

*Applications are now closed*

On this page you will find information on:

Startup Showcase shines the spotlight on your idea. Expect quickfire presentations with startups showcasing their solutions to the biggest issues in their fields.

How does it work?

Startup Showcase brings together startups from a range of industries to present their company and their vision to our attendees, investors, and international media. Every hour will see our top startups take to the stage, all presenting under a unifying theme.

If you are interested in taking part, apply below and answer these questions in your application; how is your company addressing the major issues facing your industry? What does this mean for your customers?

If your application is successful, you will be presenting your showcase for two minutes onstage at Web Summit. Work on your presentation and get it down to that time. There’s no extra time allowed. There will be no judges or slides – it’s just you and the audience.

Tell your story in a way that will captivate the crowd. People can forget facts and figures, but what they remember is how you’ve approached the problem. This is a bare-bones presentation, so make the most of it.


WS22 Startup Showcase_Participant FAQ.pdf

*Applications are now closed*