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Web Summit's Startup masterclasses help you learn directly from tech’s leading investors, accelerators, incubators, and executives.

How does it work?

Startup masterclasses cover the essential elements of startup success, giving you the opportunity to pick up skills and expertise from the people driving change in your industry.

Topics focus on growth, discussing everything from building a winning pitch deck to startup PR and harnessing the corporate innovation explosion. Startup masterclasses run throughout the three days of Web Summit.


When are Startup masterclasses running?

Startup masterclasses are running across the three days of Web Summit. The schedule of masterclasses will be sent to you by your startup success manager closer to the event.

How do I sign up for Startup masterclasses?

The schedule and sign up link for Startup masterclasses will be sent you by your startup success manager closer to Web Summit. You will need your individual ticket reference to hand when signing up to each masterclass.

Where are startup masterclasses?

A venue map with the exact location will be released in the weeks prior to Web Summit.