

*Applications are now closed*

On this page you will find information on:

Mentor Hours are pre-arranged, 45-minute group meetings between startups and the high-level attendees who have done it all before.

During Mentor Hours, our attending speakers, investors and partners give startups the advice they wish they’d received starting out.

How does it work?

​​If your application to take part in Mentor Hours is successful, your startup will be matched to a mentor based on your industry, location and chosen track.

Your mentor will lead the meeting, providing valuable knowledge relating to their experiences and your track. Time will be allocated for you to ask questions and share the challenges you face as a startup.

You will be contacted by the middle of October with the details of your mentor and the time of your meeting.

Please note: Mentor Hours are group meetings between one mentor and up to 10 like-minded startups.

Due to limited availability, only one member of each startup can attend a Mentor Hours session.


Who will be my mentor?

A mentor is matched by our data science team to startups based on their area of expertise and the industry and track you select on the form when applying. Even if they are not directly linked to you, they will provide valuable knowledge.

What are the Mentor Hours tracks?

When completing your application to take part in Mentor Hours you will need to select your preferred track. Read more about the Mentor Hours tracks here.

How long is the session?

Mentor Hours sessions are 45-minutes long. Please arrive 15 minutes before your session to check in.

Where will Mentor Hours take place?

Mentor Hours will be located in the Mentor Hours area located on the exhibition floor. A venue map will be released in the weeks prior to Web Summit.

*Applications are now closed*