
On this page you will find information on:

Web Summit is a busy three days. During this time, you will be assigned one exhibition day: Wednesday November 2, Thursday November 3 or Friday November 4. On your assigned day, you will have a booth and exhibition board provided for you on the event floor. Your exhibition details will be sent to you by your startup success manager by October 21.

Please note: Specific exhibition days cannot be requested

Your exhibition day

Your ALPHA stand

Your exhibition stand will be ready when you arrive at the venue. The stand will have an ethernet cable, your company’s exhibition board, and two Europlug power sockets (it is not permitted to plug extension leads into these sockets). Check out your ALPHA stand specifications below. You can access your stand from 7.30am on the morning of your assigned exhibition day. The venue will be open at 8am for all other attendees.

Your company exhibition board will be populated with the information you submitted on your startup profile. This can be viewed through the link sent to you in the first email from your startup success manager.

Display screens at your booth

Screen rental has now sold out for Web Summit.

You can bring your own screen, provided it is 27-inch or smaller. The maximum number of screens permitted on your booth is two, provided they do not impede on your neighbours booth.

Your exhibition stand

Click on the above graphic to load a 3D view of the ALPHA stand. Click the right side arrow for all viewing tools.

ALPHA Stand Render.pdf

To help you prepare for Web Summit read a blog posted by a previous Web Summit startup attendee here.


Can I demo my product?

Demo requests are now closed - please contact your startup success manager if you have any queries.

How can I stand out?

Your exhibition stand and printed exhibition board will be waiting for you on your assigned exhibition day. We encourage startups to get creative and capture attendees’ attention.

There are lots of ways to stand out on the exhibition floor.


Consider wearing matching t-shirts with your company logo and name clearly visible.

Your market:

Think about your target market and whether you want to focus on building your brand there. Do you want to connect with all attendees, or focus on a particular type?

You can see more top tips here

What can I not bring?

We have provided some examples of prohibited items below. This is not a comprehensive list, so if you have any item that you are unsure about, please contact your startup success manager. We will make decisions on a case-by-case basis. If you arrive with items considered unsuitable, you will be asked to remove them from your stand.

Prohibited items and actions include (but are not limited to):

  • Customization of the board. We do not allow any customization of your board (such as large stickers, writing on it with markers or any other writing implements, etc)

  • Bringing your own printed board. We will provide your printed board on your exhibition day. You are not permitted to bring your own

  • Pop-up or pull-up banners and other large marketing items

  • Stickers

  • Balloons

  • Furniture items

  • Food and drink for distribution

  • Flashing lights, fairy lights

  • Confetti and tinsel

  • Umbrellas

  • Loud audio

  • Anything that does not fit on your exhibition stand

Anything we deem a possible obstruction, eyesore or noise pollutant, or anything that could negatively impact attendee experience at the event, will not be allowed. Please speak with your startup success manager to address any queries.


Web Summit is an environmentally conscious organisation, and we promote a paperless and single use plastic free event where possible.

Prohibited materials include, but are not limited to, leaflets/flyers, stickers and single use plastic items that could be distributed to an attendee. If you bring paper or single use plastic items for distribution onsite, you will be instructed to remove them from the venue. Continued failure to comply will mean that your team’s access to the event will be revoked. Minimum litter fine is €5,000.

Items deemed useful and non-single use that startups are permitted to distribute on their exhibition day include branded USBs, pens, notepads, reusable water bottles, t-shirts with your company name, etc.

Please note startups are limited to bringing one handheld size box of promotional materials.If you have further questions regarding permitted items contact your startup success manager.


Stands must be left empty at the end of the day. Please do not leave rubbish in or around your stand. Recycling and waste bins will be provided across the exhibition floor to dispose of anything you don’t need.

Important: Web Summit is not responsible for the disposal of any items remaining on exhibition booths or the surrounding areas. Any leftover items found on startup booths are considered litter and therefore the startup will be subject to the minimum litter fine of €5000.

Can I record my exhibition day?

Filming at the event is only permitted when you have received written consent from our team and you have provided a full itinerary. Before requesting consent to record at Web Summit please read through the official camera guidelines here.

Is Wifi available?

An official event wifi is provided for your internet connectivity needs. It’s available to all attendees throughout the entirety of the venue, except where stated otherwise. Please review the following terms to ensure support for your devices:

  • Our wifi operates on the 5 GHz band.

  • This is meant for lightweight usage, including email, browsing and instant messages.

  • You may see delays during peak times due to network congestion.

Older devices supported on the 2.4 GHz band:

  • There is a separate wifi network available for this purpose.

  • As this is an unregulated band, this network is subject to interference.

Security constraints:

  • Hotspots or rogue networks of any kind are completely prohibited and violate our terms and conditions.

  • Devices connected to our networks cannot reach each other – only the internet.

Internet-enabled network cables

Your exhibition booth will include an ethernet network cable with internet connectivity. Please review the following terms to ensure support for your devices:


  • Bandwidth is shared with other wired points. During peak times, you may see delays due to network congestion.

  • This cable will be allocated a maximum speed of 7Mbps by default.

Device support

  • You will be presented with a CAT5e cable with an RJ45 connector.

  • If you require mobile devices, connect them to our event wifi or bring an RJ45 network adapter to use with your ethernet cable.

Security considerations

  • Use of any and all network hardware such as routers, switches, access points and MiFi devices are strictly forbidden and will be terminated.

  • Hotspots or rogue networks of any kind are completely prohibited and against our terms and conditions.

  • Devices connected to our networks cannot reach each other – only the internet.

Please note: Operating any wifi network at our event without explicit permission is strictly forbidden and against our terms and conditions.

We actively monitor for use of unauthorised devices and will terminate them if found. Unauthorised devices include (but are not limited to) wifi routers, and personal hotspots via your mobile phone or a MiFi device.

Radio space in the venue is meant to be shared by everyone. Rogue networks directly interfere with that goal, disrupting everyone’s experience. We carefully plan and design our networks to support the best experience possible for everyone.