
Update - Tech Help Resquets

"Did I hear that there was a change to how you can report Tech Help Requests?"

Good news! Starting this week you - yes YOU - have the ability to directly report Tech Help issues to Tech Services. Check out the details below.

Request Tech Help

  1. Click the 'Help Desk' icon on your Rapid Identity (WakeID) dashboard.
  2. Click the blue button to log into the WCPSS Help Desk Portal.
  3. Log into the WakeID portal.
  4. A new tab will open that contains the Help Desk Portal.
  5. Select the category that best fits your need.
  6. Complete the required information. (This might be a detailed explanation of the error that is occurring. You may also need to include additional info such as serial numbers, etc.)
  7. Click 'Submit'.

What happens next? Once you submit a request, I will receive a notification. At this point, I will determine if I can solve the problem or send the request on to Tech Services. The problem will be solved as soon as possible.

Can we continue completing the Tech Help Request form? Yes! For the rest of this school year, you can continue using the Tech Help Request form. Please also visit the website for answers to common technological problems and other great resources