Food Preparation & Nutrition

GCSE Food Preparation & Nutrition

Examination Board: AQA

Watch the video to the right to find out about the GCSE in Food preparation and nutrition!

Why STUDENTS should choose GCSE Food Preparation & Nutrition?

This is an exciting new GCSE that was introduced in September 2016. Students will learn how to prepare, cook and serve nutritional, balanced food which is an important life skill for everyone. The GCSE builds upon the skills learnt at Key Stage 3 and takes them to a more advanced level. They will develop their practical and presentation skills and learn about the importance of good diet and health. Students will study the science behind when food is cooked and how storage and food preparation methods can affect the finished results. They will also consider the environmental impact of growing and producing food in the UK and the wider world impact.

What will STUDENTS need to be successful in this course? 

Good organisation and ICT skills are recommended. The ability to produce two pieces of coursework, both written and practical, that will form 50% of the final GCSE award will be essential. Students will handle, work with and taste food that they may not have previously come across. They will develop good time management in being able to prepare food and clear up afterwards.

support for students

This course is suitable for students with an aptitude for cooking and an interest in learning about where our food comes from and why it behaves the way it does.

Food Preparation & Nutrition is taught using a full range of teaching methods from independent learning and group work, to the use of video clips and practical investigations. We build on knowledge from Key Stage 3, encouraging the students to cook regularly in school and at home to develop their practical skills.

The theoretical component of the course is fairly demanding, but practical investigation work provides opportunities for students to enhance and consolidate their learning. Students will be fully supported with templates to guide them through the Controlled Assessment tasks should they be needed. In addition the department offers regular support sessions after school.

Those students with aspirations of Grade 7 and above will have the opportunity to complete challenging projects and investigations that fully demonstrate their abilities.

Course Description

This course is both theory and practical in equal proportions.  

 The course includes:


The written exam

Non Exam Assessment 

Further Education and Career Pathways

Food-related job vacancies continue to be on the increase, so students pursuing a career in this area are likely to be presented with many exciting career opportunities. Most of the manufacturers and retailers employ nutritionists and food scientists. Opportunities also exist in journalism, research, health promotion and education. Dietitians work within public health and privately with individuals and organisations including sportsmen and women. Chefs work independently or join larger organisations creating meals and developing new recipes for restaurants or private individuals. This GCSE could also lead to A-levels, food related degree courses or further educational courses in either Nutrition or Catering.