KEY STAGE 4 GCSE options



Welcome message from Ms Fitzgerald

It gives us great pleasure to present you with our Key Stage 4 curriculum information.  This website is primarily designed to support our Year 8 options process.  It is also for prospective parents of students joining us from another school in the UK or abroad from Year 9 onwards. The curriculum and subject information is available to help support curriculum choices for your child during the admissions process. 

How to use this site: 

The pages of the site are numbered, and it is suggested that you visit the pages in numerical order, this will take you through:

Choosing options is an important and exciting time for students. Students at Warden Park Academy are in the privileged position of being able to personalise their curriculum earlier than many schools as they undertake a three year Key Stage 4. This will allow deeper knowledge and skills development within their chosen subjects and help students to work towards the best possible outcomes. Students currently in the 3 year Key Stage 4 report they feel more supported and have built stronger relationships with their teachers.  During the course of the first half of the Spring term each year students are asked to express preferences, in consultation with staff, for the qualifications they will study throughout Years 9, 10 and 11. 

Students at Warden Park are empowered to choose a personalised pathway of learning which best suits their strengths and interests and will provide them with the best opportunity to not only succeed academically and progress to further education or training but also develop their character. Students will continue to study a core curriculum as well as their chosen options. 

It is our aim to ensure students and parents feel supported in making curriculum choices ensuring they feel empowered in doing so, happy, engaged and inspired by their learning. If you do have any questions about our curriculum or options process please do not hesitate to get in touch. 

Ms Kristy Fitzgerald

Deputy Headteacher - Director of Curriculum