Debate Mate Review

JAck Fearn

Year 8

If you are attending a club and would like to do the same, then please complete a review using This form

I attend Debate Mate and I believe this is the best extra curricular activity for developing your skills in many aspects. These skills include; confidence, ability to voice your opinion and is teaching us how to structure an academic argument which will inevitably help us in many subjects when writing an essay such as English and history.

I would recommend this club to anybody who is willing and determined to have their say within society and tackle difficult motions that could be seen at nation wide debates.

This opportunity also gives the whole school team a chance to debate at the ~House of Lords if we get to the national finals. This club is on Thursday after school from 2:55 to 4:00 every week and sometimes the competition debates are on other days but you will have plenty of notice. In my opinion there is no better club based on the experience you receive from this and the excitement of getting your view across to the nation.

Jack Fearn

Year 9