Culture Club

Tuesday Lunchtime , Core 21, miss Kane

Ellie Conway

Year 10

Ellie shared with us just how much she is developing herself by attending Miss Kane's wonderful lunchtime club. Thank you to Ellie for writing this in-depth review & thank you to Miss Kane for running this club.

I currently attend Culture Club every Tuesday. I go to improve my English and how to explode quotations as this will help me in the future with my exams. Also, in Culture Club I go to improve my reading. As well as to go to improve my reading and explode quotations, I do paragraphs on the book 'Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' and answer questions like: How does Stevenson (the writer) use language to present violence? When I do stuff like this I improve massively, and my confidence gets bigger and bigger, my confidence is in doing assessment

and in speaking up in lesson and sharing my ideas with everyone and not worrying about what people think of me. The skills I have developed are the exploding quotations and to have a positive mind set when I go into an exam. I would recommend Culture Club to anyone as it will also help people like me who have not got confident speaking up in their class and this is what Culture Club does it helps you to speak your ideas up.

If you want to come to Culture Club it's on Tuesday , Core 21, Miss Kane.

Ellie Conway

Year 10