Workshop 1

16th December 2020

Workshop 1

Although our face-to-face event could not go ahead, we adapted our programme and switched to an online event which took place on Wednesday 16th December 2020 10:00 - 1:00pm. We welcomed over 40 enthusiastic participants.

Aim of Workshop 1

The aim of workshop 1 was to bring YOU (our stakeholders) together to create a comprehensive ‘map’of the local system understood to cause obesity and to begin to create our shared vision.

Tasks in Workshop 1

A number of presentations helped to set the scene and paint the local picture in relation to childhood obesity.  

The Dundee Storymaps website provides more background information and local insight 

Leeds Beckett university introduced the systems mapping approach.

During breakout rooms activities smaller groups of participants came together to identify key local causes of childhood obesity and key impacts were captured by facilitators on jamboard.  

The ‘causal mapping activity’ allowed each group to explore one or two ‘causes’ in detail using Plectica software. 

Outputs from Workshop 1

Two main out comes of Workshop 1 which were : 

1) Comprehensive and collated systems map 

2) The start of our vision statement: purpose, destination, values.


09:50- Participants are welcome to join the waiting room and test their technology

10:00- Start

10:00-10:05- Housekeeping

10:05-10:15- Welcome and Introductions

10:15-10:30-Setting the Scene

10:30-10:45-The Realities and Consequences of Childhood Obesity

10:45-11:10- Whole Systems Approach, Leeds Beckett University

11:10-11:15- Questions

11:15-11:30- GOGA Energiser with James/ Break

11:35-11:50- Group Activity 1, Causes of Obesity 'Jam board'

11:50-12:35- Group Activity 2- Causal Mapping 'Plectica'

12:35-12:55- Feedback and Reflections, Shared Vision 

12:55-13:00- Summary, Next Steps and Thank You


A Summary of the system mapping process:

The maps can be viewed in more detail on Plectica: 

(view only link)

Outcomes from Workshop 1:

Developing a Shared Vision

A shared vision enables us to capture what we are trying to achieve with a clear, aspirational statement and helps us see how our work aligns towards a shared ambition.

The 3 word clouds, below, highlight some of the keywords that workshop participants felt were important for our vision:

How will we know our approach has been sucessful in 10 years time?


What do our children/young people and families need from us?


What key principles should guide our actions?


A draft statement:

 'Prioritising the wellbeing of Dundee's children and young people through a kind and respectful demand for action that will enable health, happiness and a healthier weight for all' (this will be explored during workshop 2)

Next Steps: Focus Group Discussions

On 31/03/21 we facilitated 3 focus group discussions to explore our causal maps, determine current actions and discuss our shared vision. Click on the Focus Group Discussions tab to find out more!

Ahead of workshop 2, we have also collated the individual maps from workshop 1 and identified the "key themes" to create a systems map.

Our collated map on plectica was interactive

The map can be seen in more detail here: (view only link)