Focus Group Discussion 1

31 March 2021

Purpose of Focus Group Discussions?

1)   Enable participants to reflect on the outputs of workshop 1 and review the collated causal maps (each map is a cause of childhood obesity)  and identify areas for intervention.

2)  Understand and explore 'existing actions'  e.g. what are you aware of that is happening now / planned for the near future.

3)  Consider our shared vision.

The focus group discussions were facilitated by Jenny Gillespie (lead discussion), Nicola Watson (note taker and monitor of chat) and Carly Stewart-MacLeod (live mapping, plectica).

In advance of, or during focus group discussions, participants offered existing or planned actions which were added to a template and the action scales model using the action mapping tool.

Our conversations topics were: 'Education Setting' &  'Play, Physical Activity and Greenspace' & 'Diet, Cooking Skills, and Planning & Licensing'

Each group was recorded and we were able to live edit our existing maps.

Thanks to all 24 participants for sharing their views and opinions. 

Education Setting

Focus Group Discussion 1: 'Education Setting' 

Key Points

Play, Physical Activity and Greenspace

Focus Group Discussion 2: 'Physical Activity, Play and Greenspace' Key Points 

Diet, Cooking Skills and Planning & Licensing

Focus Group Discussions 'Diet, Cooking, Planning and Licensing' 

Key Points:

Discussions With Young People

An additional ‘test’ focus group involving 4 young people aged 12-18years, members of DYC took place on 07/04/21, taking a different format, discussion centred around the 5 ambitions from the CHW strategy and testing of jamboard. 

Focus Group Analysis Process

Output and Next Steps

Take a look at the action mapping and actions page to see the output of these focus group discussions and our next steps!