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 7 local levers for diet & healthy weight report    published in September 2023, this report highlights 7 Local levers, actions available at the local level – for local authorities, health boards and schools, private and third sectors – to support community health by ensuring everyone can get affordable, healthy food and drink, and integrate safe and enjoyable physical activity into their daily lives.  Helpfully, the report also outlines HOW to take each local lever forward. 

Take a look at our latest newsletter 'Growing Up Healthy in Tayside' below:

On Tuesday 9th November 2021, we took part in Obesity Action Scotlands "Whole Systems Approaches in a Digital World" Webinar!

The event was attended by over 80 people, and we presented alongside 2 of the other early adopter sites and the National Co-ordinator from Obesity Action Scotland.  Our presentation focussed on how we have adapted our whole systems approach to be carried out through an online environment and some top tips for carrying out this process.

You can view this webinar on Obesity Action Scotlands website (https://www.obesityactionscotland.org/whole-system-approach) and our presentation begins at 1:10:50 of the video.  You can also watch the other presentations from the webinar in this video.  

This link also provides information on the early adopter sites that are using a whole systems approach to obesity and previous webinars held by Obesity Action Scotland.