'Helping Tayside's Children & Young People to Feel Great & Ready to Learn'

Tayside's Child Healthy Weight Strategy

'Helping Tayside's Children and Young People to Feel Great and Ready to Learn. A Child Healthy Weight Strategy' was launched at an online event, attended by over 60 individuals, on 16th June 2021. 

It sets out a vision where the children and young people of Tayside can grow up in a community and an environment that supports them to eat and drink well, be active so that they can flourish to the best of their abilities.

We presented an overview of the engagement, consultation and development of our Child Healthy Weight Strategy between 2018-2020 in an 'Engaging with Children, Young People and their Families' Healthcare Improvement Scotland Webinar in April 2023. Click on the link below to watch 

click on the image above to view our strategy document and our Calls to action.

Realising the ambitions of our Strategy is everyone's responsibility

It was important that our strategy was co-produced alongside others. The process of engagement and consultation took almost 2 years and lots of people contributed!  

Watch the video below to find out more about the child healthy weight strategy.

The stakeholders who attended the online event told us what matters most to enable children and young people to eat and drink well and be active.

Our event was even covered in the local paper! Click on the picture to give the article a read.