Adding a new device

Adding a new device

This is a fairly simple process where a device can be be dragged from the Catalog in ETS to the appropriate location in the Topology. If the device does not already exist within the Catalog it may be necessary to first add the device to the Catalog. See: for details about this.

Configuring the device

If this device is an additional device then it needs to be configured in ETS. If the device is a replacement for an existing device it may also be configured in a similar manner. However, there is a tool available called 'Zennio Parameter Copier' which can be used to copy settings from a previous device to a replacement device. This appears available for the Z41 and perhaps some other devices, but I have not used it and there was a notice that this is 'a beta application version'. Once a device is configured in ETS the settings are downloaded to the device. I have a page here: which describes this process. However, in summary the process that I've been told to do is:

  1. Assign then 'Download Individual Address'

  2. 'Download Application' - this just needs to be done once

  3. perform a 'Partial download' to update the device with parameter and group changes made in ETS

  4. make any changes required in ETS and repeat step 3

Setting an Address on a new device

When setting up new devices I normally set the address on the device as a first step. This requires physically visiting the device and pressing the "program" button so while the addressing step could be done as part of a "Full download" by performing this step initially it means that subsequent changes do not require physically being at the device, other than to check it's working as programmed.