Learning KNX - Resources

Resources for learning about KNX

It's unfortunate that compared to some other well established home automation technologies that there is not a significant amount of easily accessible and clear information available about KNX. This seems a great pity given that the technology is excellent and not beyond the capability of a technically competent person who is prepared to invest some time into understanding the technology. I've developed this site and other YouTube resources to share my experiences and understanding. However, my aim is not to reproduce content that others (with far more experience and knowledge than I have) have already created and made available. As such I have listed some of the resources below which are either freely available or available at a reasonable cost and which I have found useful. I may refer to these in some of the explanations I have created.

YouTube Videos

Poseidwn Tech have produced a number of excellent video explaining aspects of KNX from the very basics. The great thing about these videos is that they show actual equipment as well as how this is configured through ETS and subsequently operated. Their videos are short and to the point. For anyone wanting a technical introduction to KNX then the video linked here is still one of the best resources available anywhere.

Gohar Rashid has a number of excellent videos on KNX. These are accessible to anyone with minimal background in KNX. Most of the focus is on ETS.

KNX Association produce a number of video resources. In particular the KNX association have produced a simulator tool called 'KNX Virtual'. There are a number of videos (one linked here) that explain how to use 'KNX Virtual'. Besides this there a number of other videos which provide technical details and explanations about KNX. The biggest problem I find with the Video on this YouTube channel is they range from marketing to technical and while most of their content will not be relevant to someone wanting to gain a technical understanding of KNX, to find content which may be relevant requires a bit of searching.


KNX Basic Course Documentation: (2nd revised version) This book provides some great information. While it does explain some aspects in great detail there are other topics which require some background and further information to fully understand. It can be purchased through Amazon for $6.46 (AUD).

KNX Advanced Course Documentation: (1st revised revision) This book provides additional detail to the Basic Course (above). While most of the content is possibly beyond someone starting out or wanting to understand their home installation, there are a range of topics (such as a detailed description of flags) which an amateur may find useful. It can be purchased through Amazon for $7.06 (AUD).

The Secrets of KNX: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Master Home and Building Automation This book is not great, but it does contain some interesting insights and explanations on a range of topics related to KNX. It has been translated and the translation is possibly not great either. It also jumps around an eclectic range of topics related to KNX with varying amounts of detail. Given it's relatively cheap and there are limited other resources available it's possibly worth it, but other resources (indicated above) are likely better for the beginner. It can be purchased through Amazon for $11.99 (AUD).


KNX Association have an eCampus course which provides and excellent introduction to ETS available here: https://wbt6.knx.org/. In addition they have also made available KNX Virtual which is an excellent tool for getting to understand ETS and KNX without having to invest anything. You can find details about this here: https://www.knx.org/knx-en/for-professionals/get-started/knx-virtual/index.php.