
Audacity is a free open-source, multi-track, audio editor with recording, editing, mixing, and playback features. This tool is ideal for screencasting and media creation.

Audacity Help

Common Sense Education Review for Audacity

First Steps

As an audio creation and recording tool, users can import and export audio files, adjust sound quality, enable plug-ins, edit music, add special effects, and other advanced functions Audacity is a program used by audio professionals which can be used instructionally for media creation by both educators and students.

Getting Started:

Introduction to Audacity

Get Audacity

Tool Guide to Getting Started - This is an excellent walk through of exactly what you’ll see and do the first time you use this tool.

User Communities and Sites:

Twitter: @getaudacity

#audacity is a commonly used tag for political jokes. Please follow the above examples and use iteratives of “Get Audacity” to find Audacity music content on social media.

Technical Specifications:

Describe basic details specific to platform and use:

  • Computer: Windows, Linux, Mac, source, and plugins. Desktop recommended.

  • Exported files can be played on Smartphones and Tablets.

Audacity is available for a variety of browsers. Use this page to download the right version for you.

Audacity Chrome Extension

Next Steps (Advanced Tips)

As a professional audio editing tool, Audacity is a more complex and difficult tool to use than simpler web-based media services such as Screencastify or Flipgrid.

Audacity can be used in a variety of subjects which use or create media, including music classes, video production, podcasting, and computer and programming courses. Advanced users can even code, document, or test the software itself.

Audacity User Manual Subject Index

Glossary of Terms


These tutorials provide instruction in use of Audacity functions.


Instructional Design

General Guides for Classroom Use:

Getting started with Audacity in the classroom


Student Management:

Help students manage their assignments by modeling the program in class or Zoom, or creating Screencasts/sending them tutorials to help them become familiar with the program.

Student Engagement:

Consider assigning small tasks that build students up to completing their own track. Have them experiment with different features of Audacity to text their tech understanding.

Student Privacy and Security:

Common Sense Education Review for Audacity

Audacity’s Privacy Policy

Copyright Information

Audacity is an advanced, open source professional editing tool recommended for educators and older students under supervision.

Differentiation and Adaptation

Diverse Learners:

The use of audio as a complement to written text increases accessibility and creates scaffolds for learners. The program is available in English, French, Greek, Italian, and Spanish.

Adaptive and Assistive Features:

Accessibility Features for Audacity