Lauren Yen

Super Tank

This little game includes the main menu, back button, quit button where the player can click and adjust the volume or quit the game anytime during the game. "Level Complete" and scoring system is added to the game for the better experience.

Github WebGL Build

  • My intention is to build upon my limited knowledge and bring fun experience to the player. I am looking for simple coin collecting game that has the complete function with playful music.

  • I use pre-made GameObject from previous assignment (tutorial 2) and try building the basic structure (the look) first. Conceptualize my ideas by adding more and more scripts into the game.

  • My process:

  • The Basics: With the structure made, I follow tutorial on how to move the player and adjust the variables to match my preference. (With Jared's help, shout out to him!WooHoo!) After I'm able to move the tank, I search relevant tutorial for coin collecting features. When collected the coin, it can jump higher(super jump).

  • Somewhere in the middle: I tried to add music and sound effects. At this point, the game look nicer and richer. Destroying the object after trigger(visual) and adding coinSound(audio) is different in coding. Scoring system was added.

  • Polish : The game is pretty much done, I was trying to make the game more complete by adding the start menu and level complete message. When the player hit the finish line it automatically display the level complete scene. This required building two additional scenes and using load scene in coding to access the scenes. I add some little stuff, such as adding sounds for level complete and back button to return to the game. Volume adjustment was also added in the option menu.

  • In this project, I completed all the feature that I wanted to do which I'm really grateful and also surprised. Main menu including "quit", "volume control", and "play". Music including background music, coinSound, and level complete sound. Each scene is connected, and the playing experience is nice while the scoring system is counting.

  • In the future, I'm definitely going to add more scenes(levels) with more complex obstacles where the player can pick up stuff and possess super power. I would like to add "choose your player" as well.

Super Tank Final Project-Unity Game.mp4