Hao Wang


The City of Metal and Wood

This is the city of Zenobia introduced on page 29 of the "Invisible Cities". This is the most attractive city to me because while I was reading the book, this city reminds me of the villages in north-western China. Those villages are featured with the mountainous regions, bamboo forests, and plain houses. The description of the ladders in Zenobia also reminds me of the Dawn Betterman's house from "The Croods 2", which is built on a giant tree and each room is connected with ladders or slides.

Inspirations I mentioned above:

What interested me the most was the city of Zenobia has a strong sense of stacking. With the different heights of the houses created by the piling and hanging, I was motivated to focus on creating the hierarchy depending on this difference. In the book, the author illustrated that there are fishing poles and cranes by the houses, and I was inspired to enlarge the crane to lift the house on the top to signify majesty and power. I loved this modification I did that it adds a sense of futuristic to this project and it further motivates me to change the dry soil terrains into bizarre steal terrains. By doing this, there is a strong contrast between natural resources (bamboo) and the man-made steal to illustrate the gap between the rich and the poor.

The challenges I faced were mainly with creating structures such as ladders and cranes. Initially, I spend hours trying to make 2D shapes and put them together, which was hard and time-consuming. The array tool suggested by professor Kiratli was super helpful for me to achieve that. Furthermore, I was planning to create fountains with water pouring down around the house on the top to signify wealth because water is the most valuable resource in a dry city. It was hard to mimic the flowing water that I gave up making that in this project.

For the future development of this project, I wish to spend more time experiencing different textures and the displacement map. Right now the project is a little messy and the contrast between the upper and lower society is not that obvious with the design and the material of the houses. I also wish to have more time to make each house unique so this modeling would be more interesting.

Texture Sources I used: