Trinity Martinez

City of Tamara

The city of Tamara is a place full of many meanings/symbolism. It is filled with wonders and curiosity.

Sketches or inspirational images below. Always use appropriate credits whenever you are using images that are not in the public domain or are not your own creative work.

A 250-300 word written essay explaining your intention, inspiration, challenges, and how you could improve the work

The City of Tamara is described as a magnificent land with gorgeous skies and trees that surrounded the city. The town obtained numerous signs that carried metaphors and various meanings. Creating the signs was my biggest challenge throughout this project because I wanted the city to carry great meaning and connect back to its original story. With more practice and understanding of Rhino, I believe I can definitely improve this project. I incorporated great big buildings and the large, numerous trees because throughout the story it was emphasized throughout the story, there aren't too many signs with great meaning but the beautiful skies still remain. The images above are examples from several other artists and their interpretation of the city, they include the bright colors and large towers throughout the city. I liked the idea of the city on a hill top like the first image and included that idea into my project along with some of the buildings on the far end of the hill, as stated I wanted to add signs and originally wanted them like the second image but was unsuccess. Although the examples above are fantastic, it was important for me to create my own version that expressed how I envisioned it, I originally wanted to include the statues that were mentioned throughout the story and the ocean but I didn't think the ocean looked right once I was adding the final touches. Overall, I enjoyed the project and know I could of done a better job is I had more experience but it still cam out the way I envisioned it.