Virulent urban daily life, March 2020

A viral cultural city?

Which is the impact that Corona virus has on the global and local polis?

How the above mentioned characteristics of viral society influence the urban fabric?

Can we talk about an emerging viral city and, inside it, a viral cultural city?

One of their attributes is social confinement, that condition all social realms, in particular the everyday life of all people, such those who develop deep intercultural relations within contemporary world: citizens, tourists and migrants .

A reflection on social deconfinement and reconfinement is being pursued inside an extended debate at worldwide scientific, technological and artistic communities. For details on such discussion, consult the following texts and the respective pages in this site, among others, that problematize and put on the table the emerging viral city, sometimes compared with the pre-viral city and the post viral city.

A viral society?

Everything is becoming viral, with the advent of Covid-19. Indeed, we are entering a Viral Society.

The characteristics of the virulent social fabric that is building Viral Society are still barely noticeable, but some of them may include societal processes never seen before, such as the following:

- viral economies and technologies, based on capitalism's global weaknesses and economic crises, caused not only by computer viruses, but also and increasingly, by biological viruses.

- viral policies and politicians, for example the possibility that certain states, institutions, organizations, associations, or other social agents, use various types of viruses as weapons of threat, aggression or surveillance, local or global.

- viral cultures and cults, that is, modes of exercising science and the arts, or other knowledge and leisure, through virulent strategies. These strategies are based on the idea that the more followers and / or friends (or, in certain cases, the more enemies) a cultural or cultual user gathers within cyberspace, the more cultural and cultual virulent value that individual or collective user accumulates and / or distributes across the social fabric.