Journal articles to download

Consult in open access and download via the links shown below, the free PDFs of the following journal articles' sample, located at University of Minho's RespositoriUM, Portugal:


Andrade, P. (2022). Risk Tourism Within Viral Society: A Study Using Hybrid Discourse Analysis. Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais, 9,1, pp. 127-151.


Andrade, P. (2021). Globalization of Consumption: Lifestyles and 'Viral Society'. Revista de Estudos Interculturais-REI, 9,3,1-25.


Andrade, P. & Caeiro, M. (2020). Introductory note: public arts for tourism communication? Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies, vol. 7, n. 1, 2020, pp. 7-18.
Andrade, P. (2020). Urban public art and tourism communication. Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies, vol. 7, n. 1, 2020, pp. 39-59.
Andrade, P. (2020). An author of urban public art: Luis Baldini. Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies, vol. 7, n. 1, 2020, pp. 259-279.
Andrade, P. (2020). Cultural resistance to Covid-19: an Encyclopedia of Public Art for artists and tourism publics?. Cadernos de Arte Pública, Vol. 2, n. 2, pp. 57-74.


Andrade, P. (2018 ). Mobile Cultural Tourism. Art spaces, times and logos / Turismo cultural móvel. Espaços, tempos e logos da arte. Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies / Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais, 5, 2, 349-378 .
Andrade, P. (2018). Epistemology and methodology of urban cultural tourism: the case of the artistic sociology of mobile cultures and tourism communication in urban social networks. Comunicação e Sociedade, 33, 215-242.
Correia, M: Pires, H. & Andrade, P. (2017). [Passeio, passing by, walking by. A platform of urban art and culture] Passeio, passante, passeante. Uma plataforma de arte e cultura urbana. Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies 'Flows and Paths of Visual Culture'/ Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais 'Fluxos e Caminhos da Cultura Visual', 4 , 1, 167-201.


Correia, M: Pires, H. & Andrade, P. (2017). [ Passeio, passing by, walking by. A platform of urban art and culture] Passeio, passante, passeante. Uma plataforma de arte e cultura urbana. Revista Lusófona de Estudos Cuturais: Cultura Visual, 4 , 1, 167-201.
Andrade, P. (2017). Communication of art via open research: on cultural policies, heritage and reception of innovation in art . Comunicação e Sociedade ‘Comunicação da Arte e Cultura’. 31, 343 – 376.


Andrade, P. (2016). Transcultural Cinema debated in a Knowledge Network: postcolonial hybrid meanings within resistance cinema, Comunicação e Sociedade ‘Imaginários Coloniais: Propaganda, Militância e ‘Resistência’ no Cinema, 29, 395 – 411.


Andrade, P. (2013). Sociological Ontology of the digital public sphere: the case of Web 2.0/3.0. Comunicação e Sociedade ‘Esfera Pública Digital: fragilidades e desafios’, 23, 186-201, 202-216.

Andrade, P. (2013). [Semantico-Logical Sociology of the Ruins: for a hybrid hermeneutics from ruin to Web 2.0 and Web 3.0] Sociologie Sémantico-Logique des Ruines: pour une hermeneutique hybride de la ruine à la Web 2.0 et à la Web 3.0. Sociétés, 115, 105-119.


Andrade, P. (2002). Some synthetic ideas to work with qualitative analysis software. Atalaia/Intermundos, 10/11, 153-165.