Public Art for Tourism Communication, 2020

Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies (Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais-RLEC), Volume 7 (1)

edited by Pedro Andrade and Mário Caeiro, is now available (29 june 2020), and can be accessed here: . Each text is presented both in English and Portuguese.

Abstract: This issue of the Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies, focuses on the relations that public art establishes with a very current, but relatively little studied, social process: tourism communication, in particular the case of cultural tourism. Dean McCannell (University of California) and other authors from France, Spain, Portugal and Brazil present texts inside the following sections:

  • (Hi)stories, epistemologies and theories about public art, the city and tourism;

  • Visual, virtual and virtuous methodologies for the communication of urban and tourism arts;

  • Case studies on public art for tourism communication;

  • Various clues for future re-mediations on current media.

Cultural Studies and Tourism Studies, as well as adjacent research areas, can benefit from this dialectics.

Keywords: Public art; tourism communication; sociological methods; digital media