Hypermedia methods


Interactive e-books/apps are alternative methods of production and of dissemination / presentation of socological research. Sociological Interactive e-books/apps are an example of these media.

As for structure and genre, each Sociological e-book/app consist of an interactive ebook hybridized with an app. As an ebook, it allows to search and read content via Internet, comment it in a note book, re-write the contents of an author or a research team, copy and paste to an external report. As an app, it permits to choose menu options, links, use global multiligual interfaces, etc. In what regards its content, it is a sociological e-book/app, meaning an e-book/app where its central content is of sociological nature, often articulated with other domains or issues.

Therefore, in a substantive perspective, Sociological Interactive e-books/apps may include sociological sources, such as: social statistics; regulatory measures taken by global and local governments; medical advices for health good practices. Moreover, these reserach tools may present sociological, antropological, historical, economic, ecologic and intercultural debates on similitudes and differences between, on one hand, tourists or migrants travelling from departure societies and, on the other hand, inhabitants or citizens living at arrival societies. Such discussioj is developed in what regard their profiles, styles of life, social practices and symbolic or cultural objets. In addition, fictional narratives include intertextual and hyertextual quotations, short stories and poems, from authors writing on the city and tourism.

E.g. Fernando Pessoa was a prolific literary and sociological writer on the urban fabric, a social poet who, in particular, wrote an informative and poetic touristic guide on Lisbon: Pessoa, F. (2015). What the tourist should see. Lisbon: Livros Horizonte [.English Edition] https://descubralisboa.com/guia-turistico-lisboa-por-fernando-pessoa/. For more details, see the site of Fernando Pessoa House:


Interactive e-book/apps and Sociologial Touring Guides are available in the following interactive formats: Mac and Windows desktop apps and e-pub. Each version works as a palimpsest. In other words, new texts of the same book can be published. In short, at each moment, the reader reads the same book, but different texts of that book.

In 2020, two prototypes of interactive e-books/apps were published:

  1. A sociological interactive e-book/app about sociological poetry under Covid-19 threat

Andrade, P. (2020). Poem on the Corona virus using Pessoa Effect: an app and e-book anti-virus. Lisbon: Social Web Lab Publishers.

Written and developed since March 2020. Exhibited at the first art expo shown at cyberspace in Portugal, after the emergence of Covid-19. The opening of this exhibition, named Sem Limites [Without Limits], took place the 4 june 2020, and was organized by association SOS.ART.PT.

2020.9.25. Exhibition within presential expo Without Limits at Forum da Maia art gallery., Portugal.

2020.11.27. Presentation at Congress ARTeFACTo2020, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal.

(for more detais, see page 'How to download an interactive e-book/app').

  1. A sociological interactive e-book/app on sociology of tourism under Covid-19 pandemic.

Andrade, P. (2020). Viral Cultural Tourism via Mobile Devices: Open Research using Open Methods and Open Media. Lisbon: Social Web Lab Publishers.

Written and developed from March 2020 until June 2020, Viral Cultural Tourism was first shown at international conference Connections Exploring Heritage, Architecture, Cities, Art, Media, that took place the 29-30 june 2020, at Kent University, Cantebury, UK.

Please note again that the above-mentioned interactive e-book/apps Viral Cultural Tourism and Poem to Corona virus are not social-sociological guides. Rather, they are just prototypes of possible future fusions among e-books and apps.

Method: why and how to use an interactive e-book/app

An e-book/app means a hybridization between an e-book (to read and write) and an app (to interact through menus, buttons, etc.)


  • reading, by:

    • changing interface languages (Português, Espanhol, Français, Italiano, English, Deutsch, Nederlands, Svenska, Norsk, Russian, Polsk, Român, Magyar, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Turkish, etc.).

    • highlighting text;

    • bookmaking pages;

    • search inside an interactive e-book and app chapter or the entire App Paper;

    • Google search for different kinds of information and sources.

    • Wikipedia search for words' definitions or explanations.

  • writing, through:

    • note-taking;

    • aggregating notes, bookmarks and highlights into a PDF;

    • copying words to the clipboard and paste to a Word document.


Specific instructions on how to do the above mentioned actions, are explained via clear instructions and tips inside this interactive e-book/app.

You may use the following buttons below in the page, in order to:

  • zoom on media used in the interactive e-book/app, to see more details;

  • use the notebook to take notes, and see lists of pages bookmarked and words highlighted;

  • search the whole interactive e-book/app or just a chapter;

  • print;

  • define settings (font size and styling, auto-adjust line height, toggle fullscreen view, page view, page animation, interface language).

  • read news within an author's site.

  • consult bibliographic references.

In the right superior corner, you find the following two buttons, the first one for taking notes, and the second one to bookmark pages.