The Village of


Tyler M. Eblin, Mayor



The Office of the Clerk-Fiscal Officer is responsible for the administrative and financial management of the Village. The Village Clerk-Fiscal Officer keeps and maintains a record of all proceedings, bylaws, resolutions and ordinances of the Village Council. The Village Clerk-Fiscal Officer additionally collects and disburses all fees, fines and taxes and advises the Mayor of the financial condition of the Village.


Delaynie Potts, Clerk-Fiscal Officer

Rutland Civic Center-Village Hall337 Main Street Suite 106ARutland, Ohio 45775Telephone: (740) 742 2121 Ext. 1000📧 Send an e-Mail
Audit ReportsView the regular financial audits of the Village of Rutland.

Every three years, the Village undergoes a financial audit, where the books and financial accounts and statements of the Village are examined for proper financial management. These audits are performed by the State Auditor's Office. A copy of each audit report may be accessed by the link below. When arriving at the Audit Search page, enter "Village of Rutland" in the Entity Name field, and then click enter.

🔗 Audit Search

Fiscal EmergencyLearn more about the Village's fiscal emergency declaration.

The Village of Rutland has been declared to be in a state of fiscal emergency. Your Village officials are working in close partnership with the Ohio Auditor of State and Local Government Services to prepare, adopt and implement an effective recovery plan to correct the cause of the fiscal emergency. The end goal is to overcome the fiscal emergency within two years, but no more than five years.

View our Finance Reports >

Municipal Income TaxLearn more about the municipal income tax.

Effective January 1, 2023, the Village of Rutland will enact a 1.0% (.01) income tax which is imposed on earned income consisting of wages, salaries, and net profit of business attributable to activities in the Village.

View more Information about the Village Income Tax >

Public BiddingLearn more about bidding opportunities.

Public bidding for local projects and surplus equipment for sale is administered by the Village Clerk-Fiscal Officer. Local projects with a budget exceeding $50,000 require public bidding. The Rutland Village Council additionally reserves the right to offer for public bid any project with a budget less than $50,000. Surplus equipment owned by the Village offered for sale by Rutland Village Council also requires public bidding. Bid opportunities are posted via the link provided.

There are currently no public bid opportunities.

Public RecordsAccess public records.

The Village Clerk-Fiscal Officer is the custodian of the public records of the Village of Rutland and is responsible for keeping an accurate account of all appropriations of public funds; fund balances; warrants drawn from the Village Treasury; revenues; executive orders issued by the Mayor; ordinances, resolutions and records of proceedings of the Village Council and proclamations issued in the name of the Village. These records are published online through the Village's public records portal, however, it is important to note public records dated prior to January 1, 2020 are not currently published online. Please, contact the Office of the Village Clerk-Fiscal Officer to access these records.

View Public Records >

View the Village Public Records Rule >

Village CheckbookFind out how your taxdollars are being spent.

The Village Checkbook is an online tool which allows taxpayers to have fiscal transparency at their fingertips and readily examine how their tax dollars are spent. Updated each month, the Village Checkbook provides revenue, expenditure and appropriations of public funds data, allowing Village residents to actively remain engaged with their Village's financial reporting. To access current and historical detailed revenue, expenditure and appropriations data, click on the link provided below. It is important to note data prior to 2020 is not posted to the Village Checkbook, however, may be accessed in person at the Clerk-Fiscal Officer's Office.

View the Village Checkbook >