US Women of Today Committees

Committee Meetings are held at each national meeting, usually after the Executive Committee meeting, but prior to the Board of Directors meeting. The purpose of the committee meetings is to review procedures and programs of the United States Women of Today and to make recommendations for additions or changes; this includes changes to the bylaws and policies.

All members of the Board of Directors serve on one or more committees. These committee assignments are made shortly after the Annual Convention in June. General members may also serve on national committees upon request and approval by the national president.

Future Directions

This committee consists of the Chairman of the Board (chair), one (1) executive council member, three (3) state presidents and five (5) other Women of Today members who serve a two-year term. This committee reviews current programs and practices of the organization and makes recommendations for changes. 

Future Directions Committee Meeting Minutes 20220110Future Directions Committee Meeting Minutes 20211115Future Directions Committee Meeting Minutes 20211001Future Directions Committee Meeting Minutes 20210702Future Directions Committee Meeting Minutes 20210209Future Directions Committee Meeting Minutes 20201013Future Directions Committee Meeting Minutes 20201002Future Directions Committee Meeting Minutes 20200811Future Directions Committee Meeting Minutes 20200512Future Directions Committee Meeting Minutes 20200310Future Directions Committee Meeting Minutes 20191108Future Directions Committee Meeting Minutes 20191011 Future Directions Committee Meeting Minutes 20190716Future Directions Committee Meeting Minutes 20190614Future Directions Committee Meeting Minutes 20190318Future Directions Committee Meeting Minutes 20181013Future Directions Committee Meeting Minutes 20180909Future Directions Committee Meeting Minutes 20180608Future Directions Committee Meeting Minutes 20171007Future Directions Committee Meeting Minutes 20170609Future Directions Committee Meeting Minutes 20161009Future Directions Committee Meeting Minutes 20160610Future Directions Committee Meeting Minutes 20151003Future Directions Committee Meeting Minutes 20150612Future Directions Committee Meeting Minutes 20141004Future Directions Committee Meeting Minutes 20140613Future Directions Committee Meeting Minutes 20131005Future Directions Committee Meeting Minutes 20120615


This committee consists of the Public Relations Director (chair), immediate past public relations director, the Chairman of the Board and the current and past Public Relations Directors. A minimum of six (6) other Women of Today members shall be appointed by the President to serve two-year alternating terms. This committee shall develop and implement ideas for marketing the United States Women of Today as well as a final decision and approval of the convention Buckets of Sunshine bid. This committee is a sub-committee of the Future Directions Committee and a representative shall serve on the Future Directions Committee.

Marketing Committee Meeting Minutes 20020330Marketing Committee Meeting Minutes 2021Marketing Committee Meeting Minutes 2020Marketing Committee Meeting Minutes 2019Marketing Committee Meeting Minutes 2018Marketing Committee Meeting Minutes 2017Marketing Committee Meeting Minutes 20160609Marketing Committee Meeting Minutes 20151002Marketing Committee Meeting Minutes 20150301Marketing Committee Meeting Minutes 20141003Marketing Committee Meeting Minutes 20140612Marketing Committee Meeting Minutes 20131004Marketing Committee Meeting Minutes 20130614Marketing Committee Meeting Minutes 20121005Marketing Committee Meeting Minutes 20120614


This committee consists of the Membership Vice President (chair), the past membership vice president, all directors and three (3) state presidents.  This committee reviews all existing and proposed manuals and promotes membership and chapter management.

Membership Committee Meeting Minutes 20211001Membership Committee Meeting Minutes 20210820Membership Committee Meeting Minutes 20201108Membership Committee Meeting Minutes 20190815Membership Committee Meeting Minutes 20190416Membership Committee Meeting Minutes 20181206Membership Committee Meeting Minutes 20180815Membership/Extensions Committee Meeting Minutes 20180425Membership/Extensions Committee Meeting Minutes 20171130Membership/Extensions Committee Meeting Minutes 20170921Membership/Extensions Committee Meeting Minutes 20170609Membership/Extensions Committee Meeting Minutes 20151002Membership/Extensions Committee Meeting Minutes 20150612Membership/Extensions Committee Meeting Minutes 20141003Membership/Extensions Committee Meeting Minutes 20140613Membership/Extensions Committee Meeting Minutes 20131005Membership/Extensions Committee Meeting Minutes 20130614Membership/Extensions Committee Meeting Minutes 20121005Membership/Extensions Committee Meeting Minutes 20120615

This committee consists of the Extensions Director (chair), and ten (10) Women of Today members appointed by the President.  This committee supports states in extension efforts and may do a state extension.  This committee is a sub-committee of the Membership Committee.

Extensions Committee Meeting Minutes 2021Extensions Committee Meeting Minutes 2020Extensions Committee Meeting Minutes 2019Extensions Committee Meeting Minutes 20180820For the other meeting minutes, see the combined Membership/Extensions meeting minutes above.

Bylaw Review

This committee consists of the Parliamentarian (chair), past Parliamentarian and three (3) state presidents. This committee is charged with reviewing the current bylaws and policies of the organization for accuracy and needed changes. They also review the existing and proposed manuals.

Bylaw Review Committee Meeting Minutes 2021Bylaw Review Committee Meeting Minutes 2020Bylaw Review Committee Meeting Minutes 20191011Bylaw Review Committee Meeting Minutes 20180608Bylaw Review Committee Meeting Minutes 20171007Bylaw Review Committee Meeting Minutes 2016Bylaw Review Committee Meeting Minutes 20150612Bylaw Review Committee Meeting Minutes 20150611Bylaw Review Committee Meeting Minutes 20141004Bylaw Review Committee Meeting Minutes 20141003Bylaw Review Committee Meeting Minutes 20140612

Dues Billing

This subcommittee consists of the President, Membership Vice President, Treasurer, past membership vice president and three (3) Membership and Finance Committee members. The contract for Dues Billing is open for bids and negotiation every three years. The committee reviews the bids and presents its recommendation to the Board of Directors for approval at Midyear Meeting. This committee is a sub-committee of the Membership and Finance Committees.

Dues Billing Committee Meeting Minutes 2021Dues Billing Committee Meeting Minutes 2018Dues Billing Committee Meeting Minutes 2015Dues Billing Committee Meeting Minutes 20121005


This committee consists of the Chairman of the Board (chair) and four (4) other members appointed by the chairman. They meet at Midyear Meeting for the purpose of reviewing election rules and to set up guidelines for the upcoming campaign. This committee also arranges and supervises a caucus that is held the day preceding the Annual Elections. This caucus will allow convention attendees to hear the viewpoints of all candidates that are running for national office.

Elections Committee Meeting Minutes 2021Elections Committee Meeting Minutes 2020Elections Committee Meeting Minutes 2019Elections Committee Meeting Minutes 2018Elections Committee Meeting Minutes 2017Elections Committee Meeting Minutes 2016Elections Committee Meeting Minutes 2015Elections Committee Meeting Minutes 2014


This committee consists of the Treasurer (chair), the past Treasurer, President, one (1) other executive council member and three (3) state presidents.  This committee is charged with reviewing current finances and making budgetary recommendations concerning the national store, executive council expenditures and other matters of financial concerns.  They also review the existing and proposed manuals.

Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 20220323Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 20211001Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 20210921Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 20210803Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 20210611Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 20200612Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 20200518Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 20200218Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 20190908Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 20190614 Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 20190521Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 20181015Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 20180910Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 20180608Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 20180607Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 20180513Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 20180218Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 20170911Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 20170712Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 20170608Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 20160609Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 20151002Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 20150612Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 20141002Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 20140613Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 20131004

Programming Study

This committee consists of the Programming Vice President (chair), the past programming vice president, all program managers and three (3) state presidents.  This committee reviews current programming areas and makes recommendations for changes.

Programming Committee Meeting Minutes 2021Programming Committee Meeting Minutes 2020Programming Committee Meeting Minutes 2019Programming Committee Meeting Minutes 2018Programming Committee Meeting Minutes 20171210Programming Committee Meeting Minutes 20170914Programming Committee Meeting Minutes 20170608Programming Committee Meeting Minutes 20161007Programming Committee Meeting Minutes 20160925Programming Committee Meeting Minutes 20160609Programming Committee Meeting Minutes 20151002Programming Committee Meeting Minutes 20150611Programming Committee Meeting Minutes 20141003Programming Committee Meeting Minutes 20140613Programming Committee Meeting Minutes 20131004Programming Committee Meeting Minutes 20130613Programming Committee Meeting Minutes 20120615

Web Development

Chair: Webmaster

Meeting Minutes & Reports

2021-2022 Webmaster ReportsCommittee Meeting Minutes 2021-2022NO Committee Meetings 2020-2021USWTYE2020 Webmaster ReportUSWTMY2019 Webmaster ReportCommittee Meeting Minutes 2019-2020