
President Laura Bentley

We are a non-profit volunteer organization that provides support for our local communities as well as leadership training and personal growth

See below for her Plan of Action.


Nashua WT

New Hampton WT

Spencer WT

State President's Information

Goals and Implementation

  1. Support the Iowa staff in meeting their goals though monthly Communication.

    • Check in with staff members on a bi-weekly basis.

    • Respond to correspondence from staff members within in 2–3-day window.

    • Request assistance from my national president when I need it.

  2. Create and Implement areas of trainings that will promote leadership for current and future positions.

    • Create binders with general information.

    • Hold sessions via zoom with board, Chapter president and general members, once a trimester on definitions, Roberts rules, and general information

    • Lead by example healthy communication styles, give incentives for healthy communication practices.

    • Focus on M-night possibilities for all chapters in my state to encourage member growth.

    • Encourage Founders Day, Friendship day and other important dates within the organization.

  3. Support the national staff.

    • Pass along the national newsletters, challenges and communications brought to my attention.

    • Look into assigning Membership duties to current board members (Iowa doesn’t have a MVP)

    • Dedicate time and energy into our State and Philanthropic, Wellness, and DVA programs with the assistance of national staff guidance.

    • Members will be encouraged to certify in programing areas.