
Our Sphero Bolts

We now have a Shero Bolt Power Case, which has 15 Spheros allowing our pupils to make use of coding at several levels.

They can be used within several AOLEs, where pupils can start to understand coding a drone with a simple drawing tool. Then they will be able to use their maths knowledge of distance, time and angles to create block programmes to support their understanding of a number of subject areas.

They can simply support their mathematical understanding, or code their Sphero to retell a story through the use of pictures.

The Sphero bolt also allows pupils to write/draw using the 8x8 digital display, or by adding audio at different points in its code. 

How do Spheros help us deliver our curriculum?

Learners will need to orientate their Sphero using 'Aim', this can be linked to orientating a map to North, allowing you to understand your direction of travel.

There are different levels of coding from, simple the drawing of shapes for the Sphero to replicate, to block and written coding using loops, sounds and lights to support the task.

Directions are coded in Sphero Edu using degrees, supporting the understanding of direction and always taking the direction from North.

Learners will need to use 'trial and error' and 'debug' their programmes in order to fulfil a task. 

Art work using Spheros

This work can be done by pupils in all Progression Steps, starting with making use of the 'Draw' coding tool in SpheroEdu app or progressing in skill by making use of the 'Block' coding to create repeated patterns.

Starting with Coding

There are three levels to the coding that is possible when using the Spheros within the classroom. 

Draw- learners are able to draw shapes which will be recreated by the Sphero when 'Play' is pressed, this can be used by pupils to recognise shapes, and letters or change colours

Block- learners are able to make use of block coding to programme the Sphero. Learners will be able to make changes to their code to navigate the Sphero around a course, move to different pictures/words placed on the floor, or play games (like golf) on maps/courses created on the floor/tables.