News report writing

Current Practice

Writing - News reports

Pupils write a news report in their books/piece of paper on an event. Maybe redrafting or laying the page out as a news frontcover.

Substitution- Augmentation- Modification- Redefinition 

Technology is a direct subsitute with no fuctional change.

Word process the report

Pupils will write their news report on a wordprocessing tool

Tools/Apps- Google Docs/MS Word/Jit5

Pupils will learn how to word process their writing and benefit from quicker correction/redrafting.

Substitution- Augmentation- Modification- Redefinition 

Technology is still acting as a direct tool subsitute but now has fuctional improvements. At this stage work can become more engaging for the learner.

Make use of functionality in the tools 

Pupils will write their news reports on a word processing tool, but make use of the support tools and those which allow for visual improvements.

Possible Tools/Apps- Google Docs/MS Word/Jit5

Pupils will learn how to use the functionality of the tools/apps; spell-checker, italics, bold, underline

Substitution- Augmentation- Modification- Redefinition 

Technology use now transforms the learning activity, allowing learners to complete the task/learning objective in a way which was previously inconceivable 

Create a News Web page

Pupils can create a new report linking to additional sources on the web. They can create web pages with the news they are reporting on, allowing a much wider audience to the work created 

Possible Tools/Apps- Adobe Page, Google Sites

Pupils will learn how to create a web page and add hyperlinks to support their articles.

Substitution- Augmentation- Modification- Redefinition 

Technology use now redefines what pupils are able to create to achieve the learning objectives of the work. The product of this level allows the creation of work inconcievable without technology supporting.

Film a News report  

Pupils will need to write a script for the news they are telling, they can use supporting images for their report and film it 'just like TV' for a news broadcast.

Possible Tools/Apps- Google Docs/MS Word/Jit5, as well as Flipgrid

Pupils will learn how to use make use of their research on the topic, write up a report, source supporting pictures and record their news report. This allows pupils to understand more deeply the work they learning about and gives additional purpose to their writing.