Minecraft Edu Ed

Minecraft at home with pupils

You are able to use your Minecraft for Education edition with pupils at home to host a world, however!!

1. All pupils must use their Hwbcymru accounts.

2. They must have the save version of Minecraft as the host (Easiest way is to make sure the host has the most current version, then pupils can update theirs at home to suit)

3. The Host CAN NOT be using a proxy to access the internet. So, if you are at school using a county line, pupils will not be able to access from home, only pupils using the same WiFi can access. 

4. It works best for pupils at home if you are using a device that is not usually used in school. One of our teacher hosts the world on his laptop and pupils access from home.

5. To showcase the work pupils have done, make a Screencastify/Flipgrid recording of your screen giving a tour of builds and post where pupils can see/make a copy etc.

Minecraft presentation

Starter Presentation

If you wish to deliver in-house training on Minecraft, hopefully this will give you an idea of what I think you'd need to know of the basics.

Ways to access Minecraft Education Edition

Minecraft is owned by Microsoft, and can be accessed on a number of platforms;

iPad application

Laptop/Desktop pc

Minecraft can not be used on a Chromebook as these utilise Google as an opperating system

Setting up your class

If pupils are logging into their own worlds to play/create they can be on any device that has Minecraft access.

If you want pupils to access YOUR WORLD to create on they must be accessing through the same wifi/network.

The purpose of a minecraft club

Pupils need to have an understanding of working as part of a team and fulfilling different roles;

Project Manager- Ensures that members understand their role, team stays on task, communication between team members and time keeping.

Construction Manager- Responsible for ensuring the plan is created in the Minecraft world accurately, will initiate discussion with the Project Manager over any changes to the ‘plan’. (creates in Minecraft)

Designer- Creates the initial design that fulfills the brief set, taking into account discussions with the team. (creates on paper) 

Skills needed by team members

-An understanding of the different materials that can be used, and know why they have been chosen in a build

-Be able to move effectively around the Minecraft world, choosing where to build and give reasons

-Have an understanding of types of spaces that can be built; Public, Private and Communal 

Minecraft planning sheet MASTER

Planning sheet for pupils to initailly plan their Minecraft build. Use this as a working document, where pupils know they can edit their plan during the build and use this to reflect upon in the evaluation stage. 

Constant  Plan-Build-Reflect  Process

Minecraft Edu Online- availible by logging in using your ...@hwbcymru.net account

Choose from lessons, monthly challenges or other educational resources.

Choose the worlds you own

On the home page choose the 'World' you want to work in

Choose a New World

Your worlds can be shared with others or worked on indipendently

Choose Templates & select new templates

Depending on the topic in class you can choose from a selection of created worlds to access

By 'HOSTING' your world you can allow others to join and build in the world you own; 


This allows you as the owner of the 'World' to access the work created by pupils

Within the Settings you can change the 

Game mode- Creative allows pupils access to all building materials and fly!!

Here you can also turn off destructive items and make your world immutable (can't be changed)

2. Minecraft planning sheet MASTER
Minecraft planning sheet MASTER