Remote Teaching

Just added

Live teaching considerations

Support for teachers with Live lessons

Hwb Support e-Book

An e-book to support teachers with ideas for remote/blended learning

Draft Blended Learning Policy (awaiting ratification)

Blended/Remote Learning Policy

A draft copy of a Blended/Remote leanring policy 

NB. This policy is awaiting ratification 

Support for Parents

Supporting Parents with Google Classrooms

How to join a Join a Google Meet with your child

Support for Teachers

Adding tutorials for your pupils with Screencastify

Add a tutorial to your Google Classroom or Teams assignment for pupils to know what you are asking of them. Make use of Screencastify Chrome extension (already on your Hwb account). 

This tutorial helps support pupil engagement knowing that you are on the other end of the computer and supports what you are asking them to do. Make videos for free which are up to 5mins long. If you need longer...make several 😉.

Setting up Google classrooms

Google Classroom 

Remote Teaching

Various tools to support

Creating your Google Classroom

Create your Class

Populate with you pupils

Assign work using Docs and Slides

Provide Feedback on their work

Microsoft Teams to link with pupils

Create a Team and add your Pupils

Schedule a meeting

Share a video with pupils of how to Login

Alter meeting settings

Host the meeting

Create tutorials for pupils using Sceencastify

Minecraft at home with pupils

You are able to use your Minecraft for Education edition with pupils at home to host a world, however!!

1. All pupils must use their Hwbcymru accounts.

2. They must have the save version of Minecraft as the host (Easiest way is to make sure the host has the most current version, then pupils can update theirs at home to suit)

3. The Host CAN NOT be using a proxy to access the internet. So, if you are at school using a county line, pupils will not be able to access from home, only pupils using the same WiFi can access. 

4. It works best for pupils at home if you are using a device that is not usually used in school. One of our teacher hosts the world on his laptop and pupils access from home.

5. To showcase the work pupils have done, make a Screencastify/Flipgrid recording of your screen giving a tour of builds and post where pupils can see/make a copy etc.