Mapping/Tracking the DCF using the Hwb speadsheets

How you can track/map the DCF in your school

Copy of DCF Tracker_Mapper with Formulas

We fill in this document at the end of the Autumn Term, to allow staff to reflect on where they have used tech to support their curriculum. 

This is repeated at the end of the Spring term.

Then look at the start of the Summer term so teachers know what still needs to be covered.

To Make a Copy, open the above document, Click File and Make a Copy

These tools should allow those tasked with monitoring the DCF in a school to track in one place the implementation of the DCF, at a glance, it can be seen which subject areas are allowing the most coverage and also which are struggling to make use of technology to enhance their subject. This will then allow lead teachers to discuss how the DCF could be used in different subjects.

This is by no means a tool to be used to evidence a subject which does not make use of technology, but supports for teachers to identify where they will use technology or where they have used technology.

The spreadsheet should allow lead-teachers an understanding of where support is needed to effectively implement technology.

Technology and the DCF should only be used to enhance teaching and learning, not simply to 'tick a box'. If technology does not make achieving the learning objective more enjoyable, engaging or efficient I would ask 'Why are you doing it with technology?'.

Please remember we are still at the start of the DCF journey, in 3-4 years the use of technology in the classroom should be as commonplace as literacy and numeracy, Apps will not need teaching beforehand as they will have been subtly introduced through a pupils' learning journey.


Guidance on the DCF to support Schools