Professional Standards

The standards concentrate on the essential elements of every teacher's work – pedagogy, collaboration, leadership, innovation and professional learning – and will help underpin the development of the teaching profession as it leads the transformation of our education system in Wales. For more click here

Professional Standards Explained 

The final standards were published 1 September 2019 following a public consultation in March 2019.  Schools are encouraged to use the standards with their support staff (teaching assistants and higher level teaching assistants) to reflect on their practice and identify professional learning. The standards are not currently statutory for support staff but this will be the subject of further consideration. Click here for more 

Create your own Radar Graph for where you see yourself

Staff can assess themselves against the Professional standards set, by completing the Google Form below it will hopefully give an idication as to where memebers of staff feel they have a need for developemnt. 

By creating the Radar chart it should allow both the member of staff completing the chart and the person leading the professional development review a starting point.

These standards are not a checklist for SLT within a school, they are for practitioners to explore in a developmental way. 

Please remember this is SUBJECTIVE!! 

Some teachers will undervalue themselves and some may be a little too generous.

Make a Copy of the Google Form for your school

Once you have made a copy it should then be in your Google Drive, this can be shared with your school staff. 

Staff should rate how they feel they can do/perfrom/implement the statements from 1 to 5.

Example Teacher standards (Responses-Make a Copy)

Make a copy of this Google Sheet to hold responses

When looking at the responses from staff, they can be open in a speadsheet, this will then allow you to view responces in the Radar chart. All formula are in place in this Google Sheet. So when selecting a response destination, select the copy you have made of this Google form and follow the instructions on the video below.

How to create your Radar Charts

By following the steps in this video you will see how you can use the Google Form and Google Sheet (Formula's added) to create your Radar Charts for staff.