Growing in Spirit & Body
Instead, by speaking the truth in love, we will grow up completely and become one with the head, that is, one with the Messiah, in whom the whole body is united and held together by every ligament with which it is supplied. As each individual part does its job, the body builds itself up in love.
~ Ephesians 4:15—16
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honour God with your bodies.
~ 1 Corinthians 6:19—20
Winter Prayers
We thank you, God, and praise you for the miracle birth of you Son, Jesus. Thank you for bringing great JOY to the whole world. Thank you for giving us the assurance that, because you came to us in human form, we who believe in Jesus know that we will have everlasting life.
Gracious, loving and merciful Father, at this time of Advent, as the light of your Word penetrates our hearts ,as we are reminded of the gifts of life and faith, and as the glories of the heavenly host are echoed in our churches, we open ourselves up to your Spirit and give you thanks. We are grateful, Lord Jesus, that your story has become our story and we celebrate your birth.
So at this time when we are being urged to spend, spend, spend, by the media;
Lord Jesus your said, 'Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven'
Keep us from being preoccupied with money and worldly goods, and with trying to increase them at the expense of justice.
Also at the time when we think about those who have passed away and those left behind;
Lord Jesus, you said, 'Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted'
Let us not be impatient under our own burdens and unconcerned with the burdens or others.
A time when we probably eat far too much;
Lord Jesus, you said, 'Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall be filled'
Make us thirst for you, the fountain of all holiness, and actively spread your influence in our private lives and in society.
A time when the true meaning for the birth of our Saviour becomes clear;
Lord Jesus you said, 'Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy'
Grant that we may be quick to forgive and slow to condemn.
Also, Lord Jesus, you said 'Blessed are the clean in heart, for they shall see God'
Free us from our sinful and evil desires and help us to fix our eyes on you.
And so in this season of peace and good will;
Lord Jesus you said, 'Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God'
Help us to make peace in our neighbourhood, in our country and throughout your world.
In the name of Jesus, we lift these prayers to you.
December Children's Prayer
Dear Father in Heaven,
Thank you for giving us the gift of Jesus, the greatest Christmas gift of all. Please help me to remember why we celebrate, even as we eat our Christmas food and give and receive presents. Help me to be thankful for the real reason for the season, and without Jesus we wouldn't have Christmas anyway! I love you and thank you for giving us this day, and this wonderful gift. Amen.
Autumn Prayers
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the seasons. Especially, at the moment, thank you for Spring and Summer and the way they bring evidence of new life all around us. May we truly value all we have been given in the natural world around us, caring for it in every way we can. We are sorry for the times when we don’t.
As a town, Whitstable is very dependent on visitors, especially in the summer months. Help us to welcome all who join our community in the same spirit in which You welcome us.
May is a month when we see a changing of the seasons. Our lives adjust as part of that process. The way we spend our time, the clothes we wear, the foods we grow and eat. There is an inevitability to this change and we rely on it to achieve a balance in our lives. Help us to appreciate the challenges this brings.
May we learn to have new expectations in our lives and in our faith. Help us to experience things afresh and see them with a new perspective. Open our eyes to the possibilities that surround us and help us to grasp them with both hands. Help us to recognise what You expect of us.
Bless us with the wisdom to recognise Your will as we make plans. Growth will always be linked to change. May changes we make be for Your reasons and not our own.
Thank you for the opportunity that we have been given to host the work of Haven over the summer months. May it continue to provide support to people who turn to it for support. There are many ways in which Churches Together in Whitstable witness to Your love for the world. Thank You that we can play our part in that.
But You know, Lord, that often we struggle. When life presents us with things that we just want to turn away from help us to remember to turn to You. As Mary turned to Jesus on the first Easter morning, may we be filled with the knowledge that You have the answer. Indeed, You are the answer.
May our lives be evidence of the change You have made for us and the change You will make for others when they ask. As we develop our faith may it strengthen our self-belief so that we can be examples of just how dependent we are.
God's changing seasons
What a joy to behold
The colours of Autumn showing
Yellow, orange and gold
Falling leaves providing pleasure for some and extra sweeping for others.
The nights draw in, for some anticipating cosy evenings, for others a more lonely time.
Dear Lord, accompany us during this time and give us wisdom to seek peace, settle, and pray.
Let us pray for those caught up in the recent terrible hurricanes and help them recover from the devastation caused.
Think of and pray for all those involved in the recent atrocities in London and pray for all the victims' continued recovery.
God relieves suffering and guides us in ways of holiness whilst we reflect on the ups and down of October, perhaps the Word for this month could be
"Whatever Turns up Grab It and Do it Heartily",
i.e. put your hear and soul into it.
Dear Lord God,
We thank you for the Summertime, with the warmer weather and the beauty of the earth around us. Bright smiling flowers, tall green trees, the seaside on our door step . Summer a time to appreciate the world you have given us. For some of us a time to be able to relax and reflect.
We have seen the gathering of harvest produce. The ripe fruit in the orchards and along the hedge rows. The bales of hay standing in the reaped fields. All to sustain us and the animals thought the long coming winter months
We now look forward to colours of Autumn, the golden brown of the tree's leaves and the changing scenery. A time to return to our usual routines of school and work. We ask that your Holy Spirit is with us in all we have to do and say.
In this world of so much beauty we are aware of all the destruction and damage that is done to our earth. We pray for our world - that it may be treated respectfully. We thank you for all the organisations and mankind that care for our environment, animals and wildlife. We pray that they may get the message across to those who are doing harm to the beauty you have given us.
We Pray for the world's peoples. Those that are ruled by tyrants , those who are lured into forced labour, those who live in poverty, those affected by disasters natural and manmade. We pray that your love may overcome all the hatred that is in our world. That your peace may come to us on earth.
We pray through you Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Summer Prayers
Thank You for all You have given us to enjoy. Every season brings its joys and its challenges in many different forms. In summer we have days of sunshine and warmth and we can share together in enjoying these. They can also bring frustrations as crowds fill busy roads and pavements. Help us to remember that all are individuals, and that includes us. We can control how we behave.
We live in a world of great joy and great sadness. When we see people enjoying success, help us to be excited for them. They may have passed an exam, found a new home, got a new job. We may not actually know what somebody is feeling good about, so help us to give thanks in our ignorance - to give thanks for all that is good.
When we see news stories of distant wars and distant poverty, give us the strength of will to focus energies and resources to help overcome these. Wherever there is need, You are needed. Help us to bring You to those around us, both nearby and far away. Give us the imagination to stand out.
When we see people in need, help us to "put ourselves in their shoes".
May the work of Christians Against Poverty be blessed in all that they do, supporting people facing seemingly insoluble problems. Help us to support this work with our prayers and abilities.
When the Haven Project supports those struggling on our streets, give all involved the strength and the skills and the confidence to help build a positive future. Help all involved feel gifts being shared.
All around the world people need You. Whether their troubles are mental, financial, psychological, whatever they may be, help us to "put ourselves in their shoes". Those in trouble may feel they have no "shoes", whether mental, financial, psychological or physical. Give us the imagination to feel.
In our own lives we face challenges. You know what they are and You support us in our struggles. Thank You. Help us to share this news with all of the world in what we do and say. Help us to share this news in the way we listen and feel. Help us to imagine how good things can be.
With You, all is possible.
House Fellowship Groups
1st Tuesday of the Month at 7.00pm
We meet regularly to encourage each other in our faith and grow together as the body of Christ, especially during key parts of the Christian calendar (Lent, Advent).
We will advertise our up and coming study group events here.
Walking Fellowship
3rd Saturday of the Month
Everyone Welcome!
Our Walking Fellowship invites everyone to engage their love of nature and neighbour with their love of God. Every month, we explore idyllic gems of our local outstanding natural resources followed by lunch at a local pub. These walks are an opportunity to get to know the surrounding countryside and, at the same time, to meet other people. We look forward to seeing you!
You are also welcome to just join us for lunch. More Info...
Health & Relaxation
Tai Chi
Tuesdays 10.00am–12.00pm
(except August)
Tai Chi for Health and Relaxation is taught in a friendly and informal atmosphere. It is suitable for all ages and abilities and seated tai chi exercises are also included. We look forward to welcoming you!
For further details contact Jack Kenny at 01227 272304.
Various classes at different times in the week (see the church calendar for details)
Please get in touch if you want to know more about our church, if you are seeking baptism, or if you want to make WURC your spiritual home.