Community Activities

Vintage Antique Fair

Normally 2nd Saturday in the month 9am-3pm

Whitstable Windy Whistlers

3rd Wednesday of the Month


This flute group (until now exclusively for adults) meets monthly to encourage others to play the flute. It is now ready to welcome young adults to join; those playing at above grade five level will probably enjoy it the most. The group has been running for about six years and has put on several fund raising and community based concerts as well as played in many local schools. 

Four professionals provide sight-reading materials and guidance for any adults wanting to pick the flute back up after a few years off. The group largely consists of those playing concert flutes in C,  although there is also a bass flautist, alto flutist, several piccolo players and one tin whistle player already in the group. 

The group provides free performances in local area schools and for local events. 

Bring a music stand and your flute! £3.50 per session. 

Whitstable WI

3rd Wednesday of the Month


The Whitstable Women's Institute (WI) is a member of the largest voluntary women's organisation in the UK with almost 220,000 members nationwide. The WI plays a unique role in providing women with educational opportunities and the chance to build new skills, to take part in a wide variety of activities and to campaign on issues that matter to them and their communities.

For further details please ring (01227) 263179.

Doors open at 9.45am. 

Visitors are always welcome! 

2nd Tuesday of the month (except January & August)

from 7.30pm

Visitors welcome £5

Churches Together in Whitstable (CTiW)

is a visible sign of our commitment to deepen our communion with Christ and to proclaim the Gospel together by common witness and service. This united strength comes from people of different traditions in Whitstable finding new ways to work, pray and worship together. Read more...

Groups preparing for performances at the Whitstable Playhouse regularly make use of the premises