Resourcing Our Mission

How You Can Help

Give Financially

God call us to serve, and one tangible way of serving the church is through financial giving. Our tithes and offerings help meet the practical, physical, and spiritual needs of the church. Our faithful giving also enables the church to be a blessing in the community and an active participant in world missions. When we grow in the grace of giving, we are blessed, the church is strengthened, the Gospel is advanced, and God is glorified!

For further information, see the URC Stewardship Pamphlet or Contact Us

Claim Gift Aid on Donations

UK taxpayers, fill in a short Gift Aid form, which allows the church to reclaim the basic rate income tax paid on the donation. This adds approximately 25% to the value of any gift you make.

Resourcing our mission is not, however, an exclusively financial endeavour. Other ways of giving are equally important. Here are other ways you can help resource our mission to our community and our world:

Donate Your Time & Effort

We have a number of projects in the church and the community that would always welcome more volunteers. Click here for more information about how to connect with the mission of our church!

Fundraising & Grant Writing

A number of the projects we undertake in the church are eligible for funding from community organisations, government entities, other charitable organisations and the United Reformed Church at the regional and national levels. However, we need to apply for this funding. We welcome help searching for these funding opportunities, drafting applications and submitting them.

Two Current Projects


Whitstable United Reformed Church is pleased to thank Kent County Council and County Councillor Mike Harrison for the generous support they provided for our lighting project. Through the Combined Member Grant Scheme, WURC was awarded £2,000 to improve the lighting in the hall. For more information on the Kent County Council please see further information @communityengage and on facebook & instagram: communityengagementkcc

Whitstable URC is currently raising funds to improve lighting in our church hall. Not only would this improve the experience for everyone who uses the space, it would also help us cut our energy consumption so that we are better stewards of our world. Are you able to contribute towards this expenditure? If so, please contact us.

Building Improvements

Portions of the building are showing signs of damp. We are seeking to raise funds to have essential building maintenance done to clear rubble from behind the cavity walls of the church.

Are you able to contribute towards these expenditures? If so, please contact us.

Potential Projects

Do you have any ideas? If so, share them with an Elder or Contact Us!
