Church Activities

We are committed to being excellent stewards of all that God has given us, including our planet. To this end we tend our church garden and are increasingly involved in the Eco Church initiative. Details of which can be found on the link above.  

House Fellowship Group

We meet regularly to encourage each other in our faith and grow together as the body of Christ, especially during key parts of the Christian calendar (Lent, Advent).

We will advertise our up and coming study group events here.  

For more information, email or fill in the enquiry form.

Warm Spaces
November - March 2022-23

In 2022-23 we ran these sessions as part of a Whitstable initiative.  - these ran 4-8pm Wednesdays during the cold months November- March. 

We are discussing at Elders and church meeting about whether to continue providing Warm Spaces January - March 2024. 

Walking Fellowship

3rd Saturday of the Month

Everyone Welcome! 

We invite everyone to engage their love of nature and neighbour with their love of God. Every month, we explore idyllic gems of our local outstanding natural resources followed by lunch at a local pub. These walks are an opportunity to get to know the surrounding countryside and, at the same time, to meet other people. We look forward to seeing you!

You are also welcome to join us just for lunch! 

Walks are suitable for well-behaved dogs. 

Walks vary in length (usually around 3-4 miles) and terrain (from coastal trails to hills and woods), but we aim to make them fairly easy to manage, avoiding steep climbs and lots of stiles. 

Details and meeting arrangements are posted in the church or can be emailed to you. 

You can contact the walk leader at church or via the enquiry form.

N.B. This not a formal walking club and is not covered by insurance.