

Presence alone is a powerful ministry to others because through it we become keenly aware of the needs of ourselves, our church, our community and our world. 

We begin to know God by intentionally seeking to be present with the Holy Spirit. 

We uniquely and effectively serve our church first by being present. God has given every one of us special gifts with which we bless those around us, including our church. We encourage members and friends to use their gifts in service to others. When each member plays their part, we grow as individuals and as a community and the church builds itself up in love (Eph. 4:16).

The activities linked to below are just a few ways for you to become present - to yourself, before God, and in our expanding community. We recognise that the church is made up of a number of communities. We hope you find a place and a space where your presence can be a gift to yourself and others. We welcome you!  

Please get in touch if you want to know more about our church, if you are seeking baptism, or if you want to make WURC your spiritual home or talk to a member of the church after service.