Poster Session

Poster Session Details

Nearly 30 undergraduate women from around the Northwest will be presenting their research at a poster session on Saturday, January 13! The session will take place in the Gumwood Room of the Erb Memorial Union (EMU).

Prizes will be awarded for best poster and people's choice poster, so we encourage you to present your best work!

These prizes will be determined from each poster presenter's scores based on a standard rubric. The judges include physics faculty members and graduate students from around the area!


Posters should be 3 ft x 5 ft or smaller in size. Bear in mind that you are responsible for transporting the poster to and from the conference, and setting it up. All parts of the poster (including axis labels!) should be easily visible/readable from at least 3 feet away to facilitate others' seeing the content of your poster. Details regarding poster setup/tear down will be posted to this page.

The cost of poster printing could be included in your institution's travel and conference reimbursement. If you have concerns regarding the cost, please contact us at .

See the following for all the specifics! --------->

For more information, consult the APS Poster Guidelines and this page for updated information.

CUWiP poster guidelines.docx

Poster Session Judges

Dr. Ruth Saunders

Humboldt State University

Dr. Danielle McDermott

Pacific University

Dr. Laura Jeanty

University of Oregon

Dr. Janet Tate

Oregon State University

These conferences are supported in part by the National Science Foundation (PHY-1622510) and by the Department of Energy Office of Science (DE-SC0011076). Further details are available on the APS conference website.