Acronyms of Tutorials of the
7th School of Universal Logic
April 1-5, 2022, Crete
The School will have 13 tutorials on all aspects of logic. Each tutorial will have a duration of 3h displayed in 3 sessions presented in 3 different days.
The School will have 13 tutorials on all aspects of logic. Each tutorial will have a duration of 3h displayed in 3 sessions presented in 3 different days.
Here is the list of tutorial with acronyms:
Here is the list of tutorial with acronyms:
- CAT: Categories of Logics and Translations
- VAR: Logics of Variable Inclusion
- FOR: Formal approaches to inconsistent science
- UEC: Universal Equational Consequence
- OCC: Occurrences and Substitutions
- UNI: Introduction to Universal Logic
- MOP: Monism vs Pluralism in the Philosophy of Logic
- PRD: Analysing proving discourse - a dialogical perspective
- ANA: Analogy
- BRI: Bridges between Semantics and Proof-Calculi
- INT: Intensional Logic
- DIA: Generic Figures: using Category Theory to Model Diagrammatic Logic
- EQU: Equality Proof-Theoretic Considerations