Opening Ceremony

of the 7th UNILOG

Wednesday 6th of April 2022: 13h45-14h15 (Main Room)

1. Welcome by Konstantinos Zormpas, Director of the Orthodox Academy of Crete

2. Welcome by Ioannis Vandoulakis, Co-Organizer of the 7th UNILOG

3. Welcome by Jean-Yves Beziau, Founder and Organizer of UNILOG

4. History and Aim of UNILOG

5. LUA - Logica Universalis Association

6. Draw of the Order of Presentations of the 2nd World Logic Prizes Contest

7. Antonis Kalogerakis, Presentation of the OAC Conference Center

8th UNILOG - Cusco (near Machu Pichu), Peru, 2025

9. Presentation of the 1st WAT event at OAC in 2024: Transformation