The Logic of Social Practice II

Schedule: Saturday 9 Morning

9.30 Introduction Chair Pietro Salis

9.45 Keynote talk Stephen Turner, Making Collective Practices into Psychological Facts

10.30 Pietro Salis, Relocating Irreducibilities. On Turner’s Anti-normatività and it’s Implication

11.00 Coffee break

11.30 David Braunstein, The Relationship between Moral and Economy in the modern Global Society

12.00 Joel Patomäki, Practice Theory and Speech Acts

12.30 Irena Mostowicz, Russian Dacha as a Form of Social Argriculture Routine


Raffaela Giovagnoli, Faculty of Philosophy, Pontifical Lateran University, Vatican City


Robert Lowe, University of Gothenburg, Sweden


This Workshop is a follow-up of the first workshop on “The Logic of Social Practices” that took place in 2018 at UNILOG Vichy. The contributions are now published in the volume The Logic of Social Practices, Springer-Nature 2020.

We would like to continue to investigate Social Practices that refer to everyday practices which are routinely performed. They integrate different types of elements such as bodily and mental activities, material artifacts, knowledge, emotions, skills etc.


Stephen Turner, University of South Florida, USA

Gordana Dodig Crnkovic, Chalmers University, Sweden

Lorenzo Magnani, University of Pavia, Italy


Scholars interested in the Logic of Social Practice are invited to submit their proposals on any aspect related to this subject. Topics may include, but are not restricted to:

  • Philosophy of Social Practices (Semiotics, Pragmatism, Analytic Pragmatism, Collective Intentionality)

  • Practice Theory (Bordieau, Giddens, Foucault, Schatzki) and applications

  • Role of material artifacts and material resources (Warde, Schatzki, Reckwitz, Shove among others)

  • Routine behavior as formation of habits

  • Simulation models to investigate the emergence of social practices

  • Routine behavior (habits) vs. socially shared behavior (rituals)

To submit a contribution, please send a one-page abstract the organizers of the workshop.

Accepted submissions will be invited to submit a paper to a book or a special issue that will be edited by the organizers after the workshop.

For any query, please contact the organizers of the workshop.


Submission:October 31st, 2021

Notification: November 7, 2021

Worskhop: 6-11 April , 2022 (the workshop will take place at some point during the UNILOG congress).