Multiple Means of Representation

UDL - Multiple Means of Representation

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Multiple Means of Representation

There are many reasons that students could receive or perceive information differently. These could include physical, mental, emotional, cultural, language, religious, and even regional differences and influences. We're taught the advantages of having a diverse workforce and sharing of different perspectives, experiences, and ideas, and education benefits from that same diversity. Again, UDL serves to take advantage of this diversity rather than trying to take a widely diverse student population and trying to make them conform to a single learning design or curriculum.

When discussing multiple means of representation, we are looking at the "WHAT" of learning, or as the video discussed, the Recognition part of the brain network. How students recognize, take in, or perceive information is influenced by the factors mentioned above and many others. When designing course materials, activities, and assessments using UDL, it is important to take this into consideration and offer more than one way for students to recognize and comprehend the information for learning - there is no one way that will work for everyone.

For instance, offer alternate ways to access information such as closed captions, transcriptions, audio, and video. Be aware of cultural differences in non-verbal communication, colors, symbols, and other communication that could cause confusion or miscommunication. In addition, you may provide background information on your topic beyond what is located in the textbook or other instructional materials to help students conceptualize your topic, and you may also provide templates and worked examples of activities or projects for students to view as they begin to work through learning activities or assignments.

Next, let's look at Multiple Means of Action & Expression - click on the "Go to..." button to continue.