Connect Activity - Create Your Own UDL Lesson Plan

The following are examples of what your flowchart might look like when completed. There is a worked example that shows a completed lesson plan (this is based on the video at the end of the Introduction to help make the connection a little easier). There is also a blank example that you may use to create your own lesson plan flowchart. If you are experienced with creating flowcharts, you may create something completely different from scratch, as long as you follow the UDL guidelines as you analyze your activities and use the proper flowchart rules as provided in the tutorials on the previous page.

Click in the arrow in the upper right corner of each image to see a larger view.

Worked Example of UDL Lesson Plan Flow Chart.jpg
Blank Example of UDL Lesson Plan Flow Chart.jpg

Again, if you are experienced with creating flowcharts, the rules and process, feel free to start from scratch and make your own rather than using the example above as a starting point.

Next, you will see the instructions and requirements for your lesson plan along with a rubric that shows how your lesson plan will be assessed.