Connect Your Learning to Apply Your Knowledge

In this final section of the module, you will build on the information you have learned, the objective you've written, and the learning activities you brainstormed to include UDL guidelines to now create a full lesson plan that will meet your objective while demonstrating and incorporating those UDL principles.

To do this, you will be doing two (2) things:

  1. Creating a lesson plan flowchart to help you map out your lesson and objective, and then connecting your learning activities and asking yourself along the way if those activities are incorporating multiple means of engagement, representation, and action & expression. If they do not, you will return to the activity to look deeper at what you want your students to accomplish and how you can incorporate those principles. In doing this exercise, you may need to return to some of the previous lessons to review information. Your lesson you are building will need to have at least three (3) learning activities and a set of instructional materials. All of these should be created with UDL considerations that can be shown on your flowchart, and each should show how they provide multiple means of addresses each of the UDL guildelines. You will be uploading your completed flowchart to a discussion board to give and receive meaningful feedback from your peers, and you will also submit a copy to your instructor. The tool you will be using for this exercise is There are instructional materials provided to help you learn how to use this tool (videos, articles, illustration), as well as a couple of examples - one worked, or completed, example of a lesson plan and a blank example to get you started.
  2. The second part of this last section is a short multiple choice assessment recognizing UDL principles in difference classroom scenarios. For these scenarios, there may be more than one correct answer, so you will need to read the question and answer choices carefully as you consider your decisions.

When you are ready, proceed to the last two activities for this module.