Connect Activity - Create Your Own UDL Lesson Plan

You started this module with an introduction to Universal Design for Learning, why it is important, and the benefits to all students. Using a video look-in at a classroom where UDL was being implemented, you were able to recognize those three basic guidelines of multiple means of engagement, representation, and action & expression.

In the learning activities, you began with a brief review of writing objectives in the ABCD style and wrote a new objective for a lesson in which you would like to modify to incorporate UDL guidelines for this module. Next, you looked deeper at the benefits of UDL and brainstormed and discussed with classmates about the benefits for all students and learning styles. Then you moved into brainstorming your own application of how you can create UDL guidelines into some activities that align with your objective, discussing these with classmates and giving each other feedback and ideas as well. With the guided analysis, you were able to bring all of these together in a walk-through activity to prepare you for this last part of this module.

This activity is intended to help you connect everything you have learned and applied from the introduction up to this point and allow you to create your own lesson plan, using your objective written earlier, and incorporating UDL guidelines you have learned. For this activity, you will use to create a flowchart mapping out your lesson, goal, and learning activities for meeting your objective. If you have not used a flowchart before, here are a few resources to help you understand both flowchart basics and how to use


These are basic flowchart shapes and their functions. If you are already familiar with creating flowcharts, you may have other shapes in mind to use. If you are new to creating flowcharts, you may want to stick with the basic shapes.

Please read the following articles for information about how to construct and use flowcharts.

The following are video tutorials to help understand how to use flowcharts, basic flowchart shapes, and

Once you have finished reviewing the reading and videos for how to use and flowcharts, please move on to review a worked example for this activity so that you can see what a finished lesson plan flowchart might look like. In addition, there is a blank example if you wish to have it as a starting point, or if you are experienced with flowcharts, you can start from scratch and build your own flowchart.

If you have questions before moving on, please don't hesitate to contact your instructor for clarification.