STEM Education - The educational model of the 4.0 era

20/01/2021 08:56

Students of the Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology (FAST) of University of Technology - UD with the contest "Maze Runner Robot Race"

STEM education gradually develops through contests on application of science and technology and science exhibitions held in Da Nang.

From exhibitions, science competitions...

Instead of previously known only on theory and dry books, now with STEM education methods (short for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) - a cohesive learning model based on practical applications), students can have access to science and technology products at an early age and arouse the desire to learn deeply.

At the exhibition and demonstration of technology products of students and students in 2021, the "Maze Runner Robot Race" contest creates an interesting playground and exchanges to learn about passions and interests about science and technology. robot for high school students Phan Chau Trinh and students of Danang University of Science and Technology.

Scientific research can be done through organizing simple games that arouse interest for high school students.

According to Phan Minh Anh, a member of the Maze Runner Robot Rac, the essence of STEM education is a combination of necessary skills related to many fields (science, technology, engineering, math) for people can operate and solve problems better. Therefore, not only waiting for higher education levels, but can be applied at all levels of study.

“In order to participate in the game, high school students understand how a robot works as well as the capabilities of artificial intelligence and cloud computing applications, especially choosing the most optimal routing algorithms. The study of scientific research can be done through organizing simple games, evoking excitement for high school students,” shared Minh Anh.

Models competing in the "Maze Runner Robot Race" contest

At the 2020 National Robothon Festival with the theme "For a world without Covid-19", each team has 30 minutes to program and test the robot operation, then 2 minutes to complete 5 tasks of the organizing committee, including: transporting F0 people to the F0 isolation area, transporting disinfectants to the isolated F0 location (for intermediate and advanced levels), transporting F1 people to the isolation area F1 and transport F2 people to the F2 isolation area. With the STEM education method, the festival encourages young talents who are students to actively explore, research and apply technology to local and social problems.

Ms. Vu Thi Bich Hau, Deputy Director of Da Nang Department of Science and Technology put a lot of faith in this new educational method. According to Mrs. Hau, applying this STEM curriculum in education will promote the creative passion of students. From the science and technology theory that teachers imparted in school, students can easily apply in their own creative research. With exhibitions or science competitions, the STEM spirit is spread to high school students. From there, it is possible to hope for a link between universities and high schools to create good and highly practical scientific products in the future.

"Many students' scientific research topics are strongly developed as STEM teaching methods because they are supported to interact and learn from each other in practice," said Ms. Hau.

The education sector has actively implemented STEM education, building interdisciplinary teaching topics

Bringing STEM into schools

Mai Tan Linh, Deputy Director of Da Nang Department of Education and Training, acknowledged that, in line with the trend of the 4.0 era, STEM does not place much emphasis on theory but helps children think and solve problems in life based on the principles of science and technology. The scientific base is rigorous and highly applicable. The implementation of STEM education in teaching is the first step to inspire children's passion for science and technology and contribute to the orientation of the right field for them. Many programs of STEM education have been put into practice by schools in the city, achieving many initial positive effects.

To implement STEM education, from 2019 to now, Da Nang Department of Education and Training has organized many training sessions for hundreds of managers and teachers on STEM education. Middle and high schools implement STEM education with the requirement that each semester carry out at least two topics and professional activities through lesson study. Since implementing STEM education, 61 secondary schools have participated with more than 600 topics/school year; 29 high schools participate with more than 150 topics/school year…

At school, STEM education is mainly through scientific and technical research activities and participation in science and engineering competitions.

However, the implementation of STEM education in some schools still faces many difficulties, especially the facilities and laboratories are not suitable for scientific research activities. The implementation is also uneven and regular, STEM education activities are mainly through scientific and technical research activities and participation in science and engineering competitions. One important thing is that this method requires a lot of perseverance and patience of the instructors, the efforts of the students to be effective.