09/02/2021 16:23

Students of the Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology (FAST faculty) show their passion for science at FAST-TECHSHOW 2021

In order to promote self-research and creativity in students and improve training quality, on the afternoon of December 17, 2020, at room C303 Building C, University of Science and Technology - University of Danang, Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology (FAST) held the Student Scientific Research Conference for the academic year 2020-2021 (FAST Tech Show 2020).

In this academic year 2020-2021, the FAST-Techshow has many groups of students who have displayed extremely meaningful and potential topics. The first prize belongs to the topic "Detecting cyberbullying based on natural language processing" by a group of students Phung Huu Tai, Dang Huynh Khanh Ly - class 16PFIEV3. The second prize belongs to the topic "ID card information extractor" of the group of students Tran Trong Duc, Nguyen Duc Khai, class 16ES. The third prize belongs to the topic "Research and application of biometrics in room access management" by a group of students Nguyen Ba Hoang, Nguyen Sy Hoa - class 17PFIEV2). The Technology Prize belongs to the topic "COVID-19 prediction on Xray Scan" of a group of students Nguyen Ba Hoang - class 17PFIEV2, Tran Trong Duc - class 16ES.

Students of FAST faculty achieved prestigious awards of BKDN TECHSHOW 2021

In two days, January 16-17, 2021, BKDN TECHSHOW 2021 co-organized by the University of Science and Technology, the University of Danang and Phan Chu Trinh High School held at Phan Chau Trinh High School, Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology (Faculty of FAST) participated enthusiastically and actively in all activities of the event. Students of FAST participated in the reporting session of excellent projects throughout the University; exhibiting scientific research topics of students and organizing fun science activities: contest "Maze Runner Robot Race", contest "Ring the Golden Bell” aims to create a vibrant atmosphere, exchange and stimulate the spirit of passion for science and technology for high school students at Phan Chau Trinh High School.

In particular, FAST students have won prestigious awards of BKDN TECHSHOW 2021:

Second Prize- Technology Prize for the topic “Anti Covid: Mask detection” by student group Tran Trong Duc Nguyen Dinh Vinh - class 16ES.

Third Prize- Idea Prize for the topic "Detecting cyberbullying based on natural language processing" by student group Phung Huu Tai, Dang Huynh Khanh Ly- class 16PFIEV3

Students of FAST achieved excellent results at the 2020 ICPC National Informatics and International Programming Olympiad Competition

From December 8 to 11, 2020, the 29th Vietnam Informatics Olympiad for Students (OLP) and the International Programming Competition (ICPC Asia) 2020 will be held at Can Tho University.

The Vietnam Student Informatics Olympiad (OLP) is an initiative of the Vietnam Informatics Association, the Vietnam Student Association and the Ministry of Education and Training to encourage the movement of learning computer science and encourage young computing talents. . Starting in 1992, the exam has been held annually with the participation of a large number of students from universities and colleges throughout the country. After testing with the international programming exam standard ACM/ICPC for the marking process and taking the online exam for the "tent" collective exam, from 2006, Vietnam was officially approved to hold the Programming Contest. ACM/ICPC (ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest) international students in Asia Since 2007, the OLP exam has connected the organization at the same time as the ACM/ICPC into a Informatics Competition for Vietnamese students in South and Asia Region

This year's OLP exam brings together more than 700 students from 64 universities and colleges across the country and students from Asian countries and territories. After intense rounds of competition at OLP'20 and ICPC Asia Can Tho - 2020, overcoming excellent teams and young talents in the IT field of Vietnam and internationally, it is proud that FAST has a student Huynh Tan Y, class 17PFIEV3, Vietnam-France High-Quality Engineer program with students from University of Science and Technology - UD: Phan Dinh Khoi-19TCLC DT2, Vo Hoang Long-19TCLC won the ICPC Central region championship and won the second prize of the National ICPC. And student Dang Le Tuong Vy, class 20ES, won the consolation prize for the non-specialist group.

Students of FAST faculty won the third prize of ministerial-level scientific research students in 2020

Third prize for ministerial-level scientific research students in 2020 with the topic "Research and build a management system for officials and employees working in administrative buildings based on deep learning techniques of human face recognition" of the student group: Nguyen Le Hong Oanh, Nguyen Luong Quang, Tran Quang Huy, Nguyen Phuc Anh Khoa, Le Tien Nhat.