FAST Scholarship - Giving wings to dreams

10/02/2021 09:13

Cooperation with enterprises and research institutes domestic and abroad in implementing internships and preparing graduation projects (Capstone Project - CP) for students is one of the important and pioneering activities of FAST in improving the quality of training, is “where academic knowledge meets industrial reality” – said by Assoc. PhD. Doan Quang Vinh - Rector of the University In 2020, nearly 80 Capstone Project were proposed by 50 domestic and foreign enterprises such as Bosch, FPT, Fossil, Synopsys, Viettel, CMC Telecom, GOGET (France)... was sent to work as a Capstone Project at the research lab of famous universities such as G2Elab-Grenoble (France), University of Montréal (Canada), Polytech University Marseille (France), Tokyo University of Electronics and Communication (Japan), National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan).

The "Fossil" scholarship is for FAST students with outstanding academic achievements, scientific research and community activities. Scholarship Value: 3,000,000 VND with the quantity of 3 portions

The PFIEV Alumni Scholarship is open to PFIEV students with a GPA of 7.0 or higher, who are in difficult circumstances or are affected by the Covid pandemic or natural disasters. 3 scholarship portions have been awarded with scholarship value: 3,000,000 VND/1 portion

In 2020, FAST Scholarship has honored outstanding individuals on many fronts: study, research and social community activities.

Students Tran Thi Nguyet Ha (19ECE), Truong Phu Khanh Huy (18ES), Pham Tat Thanh (16PFIEV1), Le Van Thanh (16PFIEV2), Nguyen Viet Danh (17PFIEV3), Nguyen Dinh Man (18PFIEV3) received awards for Students with excellent academic achievements in each discipline.

Vu Nhat Huy (19ECE), Phan Minh Anh (18ECE), Kieu Thi Phuong (18PFIEV) received scholarships from FOSSIL for FAST students with achievements in outstanding academic, scientific research and community activities