EFAST - English Club of Faculty Advanced Science and Technology inspires foreign language learning for technical students

10/02/2021 08:10

EFAST was established on December 1, 2020 with the encouragement and support of the Leadership Board of the Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology (FAST) - University of Science and Technology - University of Danang. Although newly established with an initial scale of only 8 key members and 30 participating members, EFAST hopes to "inspire" English learning, arousing passion and enthusiasm for English for technical students so that student can confidently communicate in English and work in a professional international environment.

Dr. Nguyen Thi Tu Trinh, Chairman of EFAST and members of EFAST

EFAST is divided into four divisions: Edition, Communication and External Relations, Events and Human Resources as a non-profit miniature startup. EFAST hopes to create a playground - a place to exchange and help FAST students to study and improve English on Sunday mornings

EFAST make best scores thanking to recent outstanding events such as "Ring the Golden Bell" English version held on January 16, 2021 for students of Phan Chau Trinh High School with easy to difficulty word questions and various natural and social science topics. This is a game that helps you not only improve your knowledge but also exchange and learn with students of FAST “Catch phrases” and “Guess the words” require players to be really focused and to have analytical and judgmental thinking.

High school students participate in "Ring the Golden Bell" contest