Tū Rangatira - Tū Pakari Ai

Leadership Practice Inquiry Tool

He Whakatakinga 

E ngā mana, e ngā reo, tēnā koutou katoa. 

Tēnei te mihi atu ki a koutou i tēnei wāhanga o te tau. Otirā ka hoki ngā mahara ki a rātou kua wehe atu ki te pō, te pō roa, te pō nui, te pō kerekere. Nō reira e te hunga kua wehe ki tua o Paerau, moe atu. Waihoa rātou ki a rātou, tātou ki a tātou. 

E te rangatira e te Tumuaki Tēnā koe, he mihi tēnei ki a koe. 

Te Whānau Maioha, The Centre for Māori Education, was originally part of the University’s Faculty of Education – Te Puna Wānanga and over that time became a leading provider of Māori Medium professional learning development.  Te Whānau Maioha has been contracted by the Ministry of Education to better understand the role of curriculum leadership in Māori medium settings. The Ministry are particularly interested in networks and how kaiako learn from each other, how these work best to progress curriculum teaching and learning and what the critical factors are when leading networks/teams.  

It involves three phases:

 i.           a diagnostic phase: establishing information about the current needs and priorities of your current situation before intervening 

 ii.           an intervention phase: that allows for support to be tailored to meet actual strengths and needs of your kaiako within their curriculum teams. This will be based on the tool Tū Rangatira: Māori Medium Educational Leadership, where we are aiming to measure where each kaiako is placed in a differentiated scale in the Leadership Capability Framework.

iii.           an outcome phase: one of the outcomes of this project is that the Ministry wants to better understand how teachers learn to become curriculum leaders. This will require school leadership and teachers consenting to carrying out a survey, and interviews with school leaders. The results will be collated and analysed by Tony Trinick and a report prepared for the MOE and for participating schools. Participants and their data will remain anonymous. 

Ngā Kaiwhakahaere

Anei mātau ētehi o te kapa whakangūngū o Tui Tuia (Tui Tuia Learning Circle).

Our facilitators are based at Tui Tuia Learning Circle, Auckland Uniservices Ltd,  University of Auckland

Bruce Taplin

Te Whakatōhea


Marian Pearce

Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Porou


Rewa Paewai

Rangitāne o Tamaki nui a Rua; Te Arawa;  Ngāti Kahungunu


Dr Mark Dashper

Ngāti Pāhehā



PLD@uniservices.co.nz | www.learningcircle.co.nz  |

Tui Tuia Learning Circle |  74 Epsom Ave Auckland | Auckland Uniservices Ltd | The University of Auckland |

Private Bag 92601 | Symonds St | Auckland 1150 | New Zealand|